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Read The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, And How Far She'll Go To Become President (2006)

The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She'll Go to Become President (2006)

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1595230238 (ISBN13: 9781595230232)
sentinel trade

The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, And How Far She'll Go To Become President (2006) - Plot & Excerpts

I saw a head line about Ed Klein's new book "Blood Feud" and wanted to read it. I've no love for either the Clintons or the Obamas and I thought it would a fun read. In researching Klein for what I knew would be liberal hate, I encountered some interesting reviews of the Hillary book so I decided to read it first (as it was in the library, and Blood Feud not yet).I had little to no opinion of Hillary until she decided to be a carpet bagger in New York. Despite not having my vote, she won and did absolutely nothing except tie up traffic once in a while. I felt Klein took many liberties in writing this book. Unnamed sources will accuse her of everything from lesbianism to not caring about her child. I also wonder if Bill actually had that many women. If he did, I wonder how he had time to do anything else. According to this book, he was always on the prowl. Klein also made too many conclusions based on half facts. I really should back this up here, but I was on vacation when reading this book and didn't write too many notes on it. I disagreed with Klein's view of Hillary's father. I felt he pushed her, but there was no abuse. When she received good grades and her father told her that he must be sending her to an easy school, I laughed. I could imagine my father saying the same thing. That kind of encouragement should be welcomed today, unfortunately, it does not exist anymore. After reading this book I almost dislike her less - dealing with a known issue - husband infidelity - and being unemotional about it, biding her time, knowing he will one day help her succeed. I identify with her being so closed and so guarded. She knows she cannot trust anyone. I could get behind her except for the fact that I disagree with her on almost every issue that exists. When reading about her possible run against Giuliani, I could not remember why I voted for Lazio, and not Herr Rudy, who I loved. Then I sort of remembered that he had some health issue. That would have been some awesome race for the senate seat. I felt Hillary's run in NY was atrocious. I hated when she put on that stupid Yankee cap. The author was strangely kind to her when describing her senate tenure and noted that her fellow senators were complimentary toward her. What she did for NY, I'll never know. All I remember is that she was asked how many counties comprised NYS and she had no idea. No surprise - I think it was her first time here. However, the parts about Moynihan reluctantly endorsing her were hilariously sad. Nice mention of disgraced representative Anthony "Carlos Danger" Weiner way before the scandal. This book was written before she ran against Obama and I was disappointed that it ended before that race. It didn't change my mind about Hillary and it wasn't all that interesting. However, I am excited to read Blood Feud once my library gets it.

As usual, Ed Klein pulls the curtain back on this (as he's aptly done on others) politician for us to see who she really is and very well documents his research. While I find Hillary a fascinating character to read about, I find myself scared to death to think she could end up in the White House. One of her closest allies bemoans that Hillary's biggest problem is Hillary. Based on other things that I've read about her, I think the author was pretty fair to Hillary in his writing. With the 2016 election coming up, I would recommend this book to anyone who wants some insight into Hillary, where she comes from, what makes her tick, how she controls everything around her, and what she'll do to get what she wants. From a human aspect it's a pretty sad story. Politically, I guess she feels that she's gotta do what she's gotta do.

What do You think about The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, And How Far She'll Go To Become President (2006)?

to the book, not Hillary. if that's not obvious.
—mark monday

Was culling books, have too many and am a bit of a hoarder and came across this book. Do not know where, when, or how I acquired a copy. However, since I got a kick out of “Blood Feud” by the same author I decided to take this one for a read also.It is well written and there is more research and effort that went into the book than I had initially suspected. Hillary is cast as a very strong person who had great difficulty keeping her husband in check, but who would do whatever it took to keep him in power and to salvage as much of his credibility as she could. That is not unreasonable. Hillary is also portrayed as an extremely intelligent woman who will re-invent herself to achieve her goals. That is also reasonable. Finally, she is portrayed as a very, very hard working woman who more than paid her dues in the US Senate. That is where the book essentially ends in 2005 when it was published. The book speculates about Hillary’s Presidential ambitions. We saw how that played out in 2008 when the Obama tsunami essentially overwhelmed her. This book is a bit ‘frozen in time.’ Too much has happened since then, but it is a snapshot of how many saw her in 2005.

I thought this book gave a very unbiased view of Hillary Clinton. It only covers up to her first couple of years in the senate, but I think it is still a very good read for everyone considering the fact that we need to make very important decisions involving her during this year. Hopefully in reading more about Hillary people will come to understand that she isn't the devil. She has had such a negative light cast on her in the media. I really think it is quite undeserved. Mrs. Clinton has not done any wrong that I am aware of, but she has done a lot of good over a lot of years. She's not my personal choice for the democratic nomination, but if she does get the nomination then I would be happy to vote for her over the GOP candidates. Anyway, I think this book was objectively written, and I appreciate that.

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