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Read The Mystery On Cobbett's Island (2005)

The Mystery on Cobbett's Island (2005)

Online Book

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0375830537 (ISBN13: 9780375830532)
random house books for young readers

The Mystery On Cobbett's Island (2005) - Plot & Excerpts

a HUGE and most dedicated fan of Trixie and her crew. This is odd, of course, because they were MEANT for teen and pre-teen girls, but I was a young boy that read everything he could get his hands on and when I first stumbled on my first TRIXIE BELDON book I was instantly hooked! I immediately sat about reading them all, as quickly as I could get my greedy little paws on them. Trixie is the star, or "lead" character, followed by Jim and Honey (who quickly became the love of my young life, I had a total crush on a fictional character that only existed in ink) and this brave trio was constantly getting into trouble, solving mysteries and murders; that sort of thing. It falls along the line of the Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew and other similar series, but the Trixie series carries more of the teenage angst and a subtle love triangle of conflicted who likes whom mystery that battles back and forth throughout the series. All of the while though, the same cheerful, effervescent and energetic positive attitude and domineering never quit/never let them see you down philosophy is the major subtext all through the books. It is simply impossible to read these and NOT feel good about yourself and about LIFE, to have a sense of "all is well" in the world and a cheerful demeanor just naturally permeate your soul. I know, it SOUNDS crazy, but it is true. I lost all of my Trixie books years ago, lending them to friends and that sort of thing. Since then, I have been on a quest to rebuild my collection of hardbacks. I find most of them at "Friends of the Library Sales" and things like that, but I am ever watchful at garage sales and places, for I do not have even a third of them built back

Usually vies with "Gatehouse" for that #1 spot in the series. Love, love, love the island setting, the sailing, the clam bake, and the treasure hunt type mystery. And the moment near the beginning that always makes me laugh with Mart "rolling up his pants so he doesn't get wet" when going out into the storm. It reminds me of my Gramps. :)2012 Review: This one only could've been better if Dan had gotten to go along. I loved the camaraderie of the Bob-Whites, even Mart's constant teasing wasn't overly obnoxious or annoying. I love "treasure hunt" type mysteries, I loved the sailing, exploring the island, the gazebo, and of course, the little hint of a Brian/Honey romance. What I didn't like? The fact that every time there's something critical that needs to be done, it's Trixie and Jim who get to do it. Sheesh, give the others a chance, why don't ya? Jim was kind of over-the-top in his constant praise of Trixie. Whether that's the period the books were written or my general ambivalence toward Jim, I don't know, but good grief, man, get a room! I would've liked to have seen Peter Kimball show up at Mead's Mountain or seen Ed Hall show up as Brian continued on his own quest to become a doctor. Hmm ... seeds of future fanfiction stories?

What do You think about The Mystery On Cobbett's Island (2005)?

A childhood favorite re-visited.Is the story as good as I remember? – YesWhat ages would I recommend it too? – Ten and up.Length? – Most of a day’s read.Characters? – Memorable, several characters.Setting? – Real world, pre - computer pre - air conditioning, pre - cell phone.Written approximately? – 1964.Does the story leave questions in the readers mind? – Ready to read more.Any issues the author (or a more recent publisher) should cover? Yes. A slight mention of the time frame of the story - as the teens are given far more freedom to come and go as they please than would be safe today. Also, the absence of computers, cell phones, and air conditioning in homes, especially the mansion.Short storyline: Trixie Belden, Honey, Jim, and her brothers explore Cobbett's while on vacationing, and manage to stumble on a mystery to find the missing money of the former owner of the home next door.Notes for the reader: A great mystery! No violence (only referred to from the past), no murder.
—April Brown

Trixie Belden and the Mystery on Cobbett's Island is book number thirteen in the Trixie Belden mystery series. Trixie Belden and Honey Wheeler are best friends, horse lovers, and detectives who always seem to accidentally find a mystery waiting to be solved. In this book, Trixie and Honey find a treasure map that has almost undecipherable sentences and illustrations on it. In her search for the treasure, Trixie goes on a boat ride and sees that all of the light bulbs on the buoys are smashed. She is positive that someone is trying to wreck the peace of Cobbett's Island, but who? It is up to Trixie, Honey, and the Bob Whites of the Glen to find out who before Cobbett's Island goes crazy! And with any luck, they will find the treasure in the process! I love the Trixie Belden Mystery Series because it combines two of my favorite things - - horses and mystery!
—Madeline Henricksen

For Christmas one year, my parents grabbed me the entire Trixie Belden set and I couldn't put them down. After I finished with them, they continued to purchase them as quickly as I could read them. Even with a learning disability, I devoured the books. I look back now and I find that Trixie Belden was much more age related to young girls, particularly to me, reading the books than Nancy Drew. There was something in these books that I found to be a greater escape than I did ND, too. I found that they weren't so "over the top" or dated. I will be doing the same thing with my granddaughters, if and when I have them, even if I have to stalk every used bookstore to get them.

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