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Read It Is Said (Mathias Bootmaker And The Keepers Of The Sandbox)

It Is Said (Mathias Bootmaker and the Keepers of the Sandbox)

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It Is Said (Mathias Bootmaker And The Keepers Of The Sandbox) - Plot & Excerpts

Oracle Darke   No room is empty if your mind is full. One learns that, as a prisoner of the Academy Darke. That’s all Mouse could think of as he sat in this very particular empty room.
 A roaring fire in the fireplace kept it lit, and uncomfortably warm. Mouse sat in a wooden chair that sat opposite a long, splendidly carved table. On that table was a large hour glass. The sand was sitting quite still in the upper chamber. It was waiting. Just like Mouse. It just sat there waiting. Just like Mouse sat.
This round room was well known. It was the public office of a very private man. It was situated at the base of the castle’s tallest tower and in the place that many people believed was the soul of the structure.
This is where he met with the People, his officials, and dignitaries. It was below the family quarters where they lived their lives. Somewhere above was the playroom where the family was murdered. Somewhere above that was the secret laboratory of the man that brought illumination to his people.

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