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Read Flight From The Dark (1985)

Flight from the Dark (1985)

Online Book

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0425084361 (ISBN13: 9780425084366)
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Flight From The Dark (1985) - Plot & Excerpts

Di librigioco ne avevo alcuni da ragazzo, l'idea mi è sempre piaciuta, la realizzazione un po' meno per due motivi:1 - giocando da solo è sempre stato difficile mantenere la disciplina necessaria a giocare senza "barare". Ho provato più volte a "fare il serio", a tenere i punti ferita e l'equipaggiamento, a usare i dadi, ma una volta morto in un colpo perché non possedevo la disciplina Ramas dell'Antani o perché ero stato particolarmente sfortunato non avevo la minima voglia di ricominciare da capo e rifare tutta la strada. Così continuavo ad andare avanti, magari giusto tornando al bivio precedente, ma in questo modo che senso aveva tenersi tutti i punteggi? Tanto valeva rendersi invincibile e via, fino alla fine in un colpo solo.2 - ogni libro di Lupo Solitario ci tiene a sottolineare come sia possibile completare la storia anche senza aver letto gli episodi precedenti e senza averne accumulato l'esperienza e gli oggetti speciali. A mio avviso più si va avanti nella serie, più fare ciò diventa difficile. Lo squattrinato me stesso di 15 anni fa però non aveva i liquidi per permettersi tutta la serie dal primo volume, ne presi solo uno (tipo il diciassettesimo o giù di lì) e la difficoltà mi convinse ancora di più a usare "l'energia infinita" rovinando però, in ultima istanza, il gioco in sé.Ora, grazie al fatto che la serie la gioco con un programma per Android (che da una parte tiene tutti i punteggi e dall'altra è senza pietà in caso di morte) a partire dal primo libro (gratis) i due problemi sono stati risolti per cui mi sono veramente divertito. La prima avventura non è molto difficile, sono morto un paio di volte prima di arrivare alla fine, però intriga e spinge al replay. Insomma davvero ben fatto.

I remember those books were a huge thing when I was in elementary school, I used to borrow them from the library and spend afternoons dying in gruesome ways. Now Project Aon has all the books online and even provides an action chart to keep track of your stats and items -- in short it's perfect and takes away all the tedium of endlessly rolling dice. Obviously I had to attempt to play through all 28 books.The plot is cheesy 80s fantasy at its best, but it's got that nostalgia factor that makes it still highly replayable. Though I am side-eyeing 10yo me for dying so often: through a combination of dumb luck and picking the right skills (view spoiler)[Healing is a must, Sixth Sense carries you through most of the book (hide spoiler)]

What do You think about Flight From The Dark (1985)?

I loved these as a child. I remember when I for the first time entered the "prohibited" section of my small local library (allowed only for older kids) where lot´s of fantasy and horror books were stored. I was browsing the shells and suddenly completely worn out Lone Wolf books were looking at me. At that time I had no idea that the books are actually a gamebook or what the gamebooks are.I remember how I was killed million times during the series. How I didn´t want to turn few pages back after my death, because I considered it as cheating. How I never did continue reading after my unfortunate death, however, everytime I started with "next episode". I remember that the only time I have ever really beaten one of the books was because I used my special ability that actually wasn´t on my character list, and I would swear to God I had chosen it! ;DThese books bring back nice,adventurous and thrilling memories. I think it was maybe 2 years ago, I tried to read some of them again. And even though now I don´t consider them as well written, I had hell of a fun with them anyway. So I really want to thank to Mr. Joe Dever for such an amazing reading all kids could wish for! And not only kids! :)

The story is full of clichés and missed a few opportunities to develop some characters or some settings, as such there is no real attachment to the story. Yet.Decision wise the book is relatively easy and the right and wrong choices are more or less straightforward.However there is an interesting sense of danger, and you can feel Lone Wolf being in the middle of a blitzkrieg. It makes you want to know more of the story, and it even feels exciting to restart from the beginning after a death, allowing the reading to make new choices hence new discoveries.

I recently saw a link that the Lone Wolf adventure/book/games were online and free to download. There are also platforms developed that are available on the website that take care of all the manual game recording for you. I remember this adventure/game/book being super-hard when I read it back in 1980-something, and dying almost from the start - a lot. I decided to check it out again. Nothing has changed. This adventure is damn hard to complete. I was finally successful after 10 tries. Now I remember why I didn't buy the second one. It's too hard. I'll carry my character over to the second book and see if they improved on the game mechanics. It was fun trying to make it through the entire book without dying though. That's my new challenge. Try to make it through at least one without dying at all so I can get recorded in the Halls of Fame of the book player on this website. ha! Never mind, it seems you gotta get through all five in a series without dying.

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