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Read With Extreme Pleasure

With Extreme Pleasure

Online Book

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With Extreme Pleasure - Plot & Excerpts

Cady chatted back, leaving King free to brood. He didn’t like to brood. He was a brooding master, but he’d gotten over finding it useful.Whether or not it would turn out to be useful now, it fit his state of mind. Plus, his style of brooding did a great job of putting off both the driver and Cady, thus allowing him to think.Problem was, he didn’t know what he should be thinking about. Tuzzi and Malling causing the accident. McKie causing the accident. The accident being an accident, and how much worse it could’ve been. Or having sex with Cady.Thinking about sex with Cady was what had gotten the two of them into this trouble, so common sense would have him thinking about anything else.But his uncommon sense—or would that be his common nonsense?—said that if he mulled over, firmed up, and put away his thoughts of sex and Cady, he could move on to the business of keeping her alive.Unfortunately, knowing what he needed to do didn’t guarantee his success in making it happen. Especially when she was sitting crushed against his side in the cab of the overcrowded, standard transmission tow truck, and the only thing he could smell was her skin.He should be smelling diesel fumes and oil and hand cleaner, the musty dirt coating everything, even the driver who was not the cleanest thing he’d ever seen, but he didn’t.

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