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Read To Feel The Sun (2013)

To Feel the Sun (2013)

Online Book

4.03 of 5 Votes: 1
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Marie Sexton

To Feel The Sun (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

The description (particularly the description of the setting) was very clear and well-done. For someone who is very visual, like myself, I really could visualize all that she was describing. I wasn't particularly touched emotionally, but the story wasn't lifeless either. The more erotic moments had some odd word choices and were a little unbelievable (and not in the good way). All in all, it was fine, but really nothing particularly remarkable. This is a free read by Marie Sexton and it's not one that readers would like to miss out on. It's short at 7 pages but what Sexton is able to accomplish within these seven pages is astounding. She brought to life characters and gave them a past and a love story that is timeless. So heartbreaking and poignant, Sexton has all the elements of a great story that is cut down to its bare essentials, making for a unique and memorable read.

What do You think about To Feel The Sun (2013)?

Ahhh! So many feels for such a short book. Loved it!!

Short but very sweet. I really liked it.

*SOB* beautiful and short but *sobbing*

Beautiful. I cried all over myself.

Short but poignant.

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