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Marie Sexton books

Marie Sexton
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Read Books by Marie Sexton


Strawberries for Dessert (2010)

*** 3.25/5 ***Voilà donc l'histoire de Cole (le "friend with benefit" de Jared) et Jonathan (l'ex de Zach). Le récit est à la première personne, et c'est Jonathan qui assure la narration, mais chaque chapitre s'ouvre par un email que Cole envoie à Jared. Les deux hommes se rencontrent par l'inter...

Strawberries for Dessert (2010) by Marie Sexton

Between Sinners and Saints (2011)

Ho acquistato qto libro per curiosità avendo letto alcuni pareri favorevoli. L'ho iniziato, poi l'ho abbandonato x leggere altro, e sono contenta e soddisfatta di aver ripreso e concluso la sua lettura. X me è il secondo libro M/M e l'ho apprezzato in quanto questa nn é una storia puramente basat...

Between Sinners and Saints (2011) by Marie Sexton

A to Z (2010)

I enjoyed Promises more than this one. It was hard to get past the alternating pov/tense changes. I think that was to help differentiate between voices but it was quite clear without doing that. The other thing they really got me was Angelo's way of thinking. Loosing every g in ing words even in ...

A to Z (2010) by Marie Sexton

The Letter Z (2010)

synopsis:zach and angel haven't been together that long when, with zach's agreement, angel sleeps with jared's ex-boyfriend. jared doesn't look at zach and angel the same after that, which makes it difficult, because jared is zach's best friend, and jared's partner is angel's best friend. the two...

The Letter Z (2010) by Marie Sexton

Paris A to Z (2011)

This is the book I've been waiting for, the one I haven't read before. Since it's been so long since I read the others though, I had to reread them before I read this. I loved them even more the second time around, and this one ... wow. Loved it too! It was great to see Zach finally dealing with ...

Paris A to Z (2011) by Marie Sexton

Never a Hero (2013)

Tucker Springs is a great series and this is my favorite book from the series. I believe Owen's mother is the spawn of Satan. A mother should love, protect and and encourage her child. She does everything in her power to emotionally destroy Owen. His salvation comes in the form of his new nei...

Never a Hero (2013) by Marie Sexton

Fear, Hope, and Bread Pudding (2013)

Wonderful ending. This was a tearjerker. Jon and Cole are my favourite couple in this series and they never fail to make me feel things.It was a very emotional book and I found myself shedding tears several times.I'm extremely happy about how things ended for them. I just wish there would have be...

Fear, Hope, and Bread Pudding (2013) by Marie Sexton

Un po' santi e un po' peccatori (2014)

Levi Binder is living the good life, or so he thinks. Tending bar in a Miami dive, satisfying his sexual needs in a stream of faceless men, seems like everything is working out just fine. But it takes a back injury to show him that he might just be wrong. Levi is a Mormon, in name only, but when ...

Un po' santi e un po' peccatori (2014) by Marie Sexton

Dalla A alla Z (2013)

Another enjoyable friends to lovers theme from Marie Sexton.I love how the author writes these stories where the characters really get to know each other before they start having sex. Every one of the stories I have read thus far has been beautiful and sweet with a twist of heartaches thrown in.Z...

Dalla A alla Z (2013) by Marie Sexton

La lettera Z (2014)

Marie Sexton is an awesome writer and this book was no exception, now with that being said, I thought this book was good, but the "open" relationship between Angelo and Zach totally ruined the rest of the book for me. I know each couple is entitled to their own relationships, but this was a deal ...

La lettera Z (2014) by Marie Sexton

Blind Space (2014)

If there had been more of a Science Fiction feel to this it would have got 5* but as it is it only got 4* and most of that was for the well written characters. The main storyline of Tristan's conversion from duty bound, easy going soldier to disillusioned prisoner and senses deprived at that was ...

Blind Space (2014) by Marie Sexton

Song of Oestend (2011)

First of all, for those who doesn't like menage scenes, you don't have to worry. There is only one and it's done really well. It seems right.The BDSM is how I like it, light, hot and coherent with the story. The need of it makes sense.That being said, I loved it. Marie Sexton did a really good jo...

Song of Oestend (2011) by Marie Sexton

Putting Out Fires (2011)

Cute. Necessary. I always was just this side of "not getting" why Matt and Jared are together. It's not that I expect ALL people to be as demonstrative as some of the other guys. I appreciate that Matt is "different" with Jared. I also like that it starts with Matt feeling so insecure and everyth...

Putting Out Fires (2011) by Marie Sexton

One More Soldier (2010)

Will has grown up and come of age in a time when being gay really was "the love that dare not speak its name" only to find himself confronted with an 11 year old boy who needs his presence after the death of his father. Brannon is intelligent, and could go far, but is forced to drop out of schoo...

One More Soldier (2010) by Marie Sexton

Flowers for Him (2013)

2.5 - frustrated stars. I don't like short stories. I know this. Yet I keep buying them because sometimes....God, sometimes I find something stellar. And this? This had the potential to be the kind of story I could sink into. The kind of story that could have wrapped me in emotion and cradled me ...

Flowers for Him (2013) by Marie Sexton

Normal Enough (2014)

The blurb made me think Kasey's fetish was something bizarre, but I honestly didn't find it that weird. Kasey is a mechanic that specializes in classic cars. He also finds himself turned on by certain classic "muscle" cars. The scents, textures, and sounds of driving, or even just sitting in some...

Normal Enough (2014) by Marie Sexton

To Feel the Sun (2013)

The description (particularly the description of the setting) was very clear and well-done. For someone who is very visual, like myself, I really could visualize all that she was describing. I wasn't particularly touched emotionally, but the story wasn't lifeless either. The more erotic moments h...

To Feel the Sun (2013) by Marie Sexton

Chapter Five and the Axe-Wielding Maniac (2014)

This short M/M short story could be considered self contained as it ends with no cliffhanger, but is in fact the first instalment in a yet to be published serial.As others have said, one might need to pay more than one expects for the whole if every part is as short and priced as this is.Writing ...

Chapter Five and the Axe-Wielding Maniac (2014) by Marie Sexton

Winter Oranges (2015)

“Who is it?” Ben asked from behind him. “Dylan.” “Yes?” Dylan said in confusion. Not a great start to what he was sure would be a comedy of errors, speaking to Ben even though Dylan couldn’t see or hear him. “What are you doing here?” Jason asked, too discombobulated to come up with anything subt...

Winter Oranges (2015) by Marie Sexton

Marie Sexton - Coda 03 - The Letter Z

Not sure how it happened, but he’s talkin’ to me like he used to, and laughin’ too. When I think ’bout how awkward things have been between us ever since New Year’s, it’s kinda nice to know we can be friends again. We’re walkin’ along, both of us laughin’ at how fuckin’ clueless Matt and Zach are...

Marie Sexton - Coda 03 - The Letter Z by Marie Sexton

Saviours of Oestend Oestend 2

Banished from the BarChi by the man he loves, Dante Pane must find a way to rebuild his life and heal his broken heart. Unable to love women, afraid to love men, Dante wants only to find some peace. But peace is hard to come by in Oestend. Dante’s new home reeks of death, he can’t keep his ranch ...

Saviours of Oestend Oestend 2 by Marie Sexton

Marie Sexton - Coda 06 - Fear, Hope, and Bread Pudding

How are things in Colorado? I hope it’s white and bright and merry. I hope Santa brings you everything you ask for, and I hope Matt finally lets you put his handcuffs to good use. Phew! Give me a minute to think on that mental image a bit more…. Stimulating, to say the least. Now, I suppose it’s ...

Marie Sexton - Coda 06 - Fear, Hope, and Bread Pudding by Marie Sexton

Coda Books 01 - Promises (MM)

Every time, I asked him if it was causing trouble for him at work. At first he would just shrug, but by the third week, the question was making him blush. That confused me.     “I don’t understand. Does it cause problems for you or not?”     “Well, it did,”...

Coda Books 01 - Promises (MM) by Marie Sexton

Marie Sexton - Coda 05 - Paris A to Z

Angelo and I had Sundays off, and I often let myself skip my morning run on Sundays as well. It was almost ten when I dragged myself out of bed. Angelo had been up for hours of course, but he wasnt in the living room. Our computer was set up in what was supposed to be the dining room, and I had t...

Marie Sexton - Coda 05 - Paris A to Z by Marie Sexton

Marie Sexton - Between Sinners And Saints

Although Jaime’s dreams were jumpy and frantic and confusing, at least there was nobody trying to hurt him. Somehow, he felt…not safe. That wasn’t quite it. He barely even knew what the word meant. But he was a little less scared. For once. He woke at two in the morning and did manage to make it ...

Marie Sexton - Between Sinners And Saints by Marie Sexton

Marie Sexton - Coda 04 - Strawberries for Dessert

The next morning I got up and made myself go for a run, for the first time in a week. Afterward, I showered and shaved, then went down the street where I picked up donuts and coffee for two. 207 I was a little nervous knocking on her door. I was halfway expecting her to start beating me with her ...

Marie Sexton - Coda 04 - Strawberries for Dessert by Marie Sexton

Damned If You Do (2016)

Normally, Abaddon would have produced his own instrument out of thin air. The sight of such power normally caused his victims to falter. But this time, before Abaddon could produce the violin, Seth held his own fiddle and bow out to Abaddon.     “I assume you didn’t bring one ...

Damned If You Do (2016) by Marie Sexton

Marie Sexton - Coda 02 - A to Z

There’s another couch, too, but Zach and I do what we always do—sit on the floor in front of it. Matt and Jared are completely engrossed in the game. It’s the Broncos and the Chargers. Lived in Denver my whole life, so ’course I know ’bout the Broncos, but never really cared ’bout them one way or...

Marie Sexton - Coda 02 - A to Z by Marie Sexton

Lost Along the Way (2015)

My sentence was almost up. I fidgeted through my breakfast, mumbled a good-bye to Chase, then stumbled through my shift at the station, where radar images, surface weather charts, synoptic weather data, and isotach maps were summarized with a glib, “Eighty percent chance of showers, and a h...

Lost Along the Way (2015) by Marie Sexton

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