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Read The Siege (2004)

The Siege (2004)

Online Book

4.08 of 5 Votes: 5
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0439405602 (ISBN13: 9780439405607)
scholastic, inc.

The Siege (2004) - Plot & Excerpts

“ The Siege” hooks the readers mind by adding effective and strong language to the book.The story is about tensions erupt in the owl kingdom when the forces of evil wage war against the protectors of good. Enraged by his clash with Soren and driven by and all-consuming desire for power, Kludd and his group, the Pure Ones, launch an attack upon the Great Ga”Hoole Tree. The noble owls who live there must fight fiercely to protect their resources and defend their honor. Meanwhile, Soren is called upon by the elders of the great tree to lead a mission back to the one place he thought he had never see again- St. Aegolius Academy for Orphaned Owls. He and his crew will have to enter St. Aggies as spies, then leave unnoticed once their work is done. Soren escaped the rocky confines of St. Aggies once. if peace is to be restored, he must do it again.One thing I like about this book is when the owls have war I like it because I can image how the owls fight with each other and the antagonist are very strong it makes the book more interesting when I m reading it.One thing I dislike about this book is the language of the book. I dislike it because when I was reading the book I find out that the language of the book is quite confusing for me. I think some of the book I don’t really understand what are they talking about Overall I find this book to be interesting because I like the part when the owls fight and also they talk about the noble owls that live there and they must fight fiercely to protect their resources and defend their honor.

Voici donc la petite chronique de l'un des livres de mon fils, parce qu'il est fan du royaume de Hoole et de ses habitants, et que je le suis tout autant que lui...Pas une seconde de répit pour Soren et ses petits amis ! Après un terrible combat contre Kludd, devenu l'effroyable Bec d'Acier, voilà qu'on leur confie une mission des plus périlleuse : infiltrer Saint-Ægo, cette affreuse pension où Soren et Gylfie ont vécu leurs pires moments. Que l'on soit une chouette ou un être humain, le fait d'affronter son passé est une épreuve qui demande beaucoup de courage, et c'est ce que Kathryn Lasky nous propose ici.Le siège est une belle leçon de courage. Il y est question d'apprendre à contrôler sa peur pour être plus fort, de lutter au nom des valeurs auxquelles on croit, mais aussi des horreurs et de l'absurdité de la guerre. Tout en souplesse, l'auteur aborde ici des thèmes essentiels, mais à aucun moment le ton ne devient moralisateur. La magie de Ga'Hoole fonctionne encore, c'est indéniable, et je me surprends à grandement apprécier ces chouettes et leur mode de vie qui véhiculent des valeurs intéressantes.A mon goût, un roman un petit peu court, qui aurait mérité quelques développements sur ce second séjour de Soren à Saint-Ægo, mais cela ne gâche nullement notre plaisir. Ce quatrième tome des Gardiens de Ga'Hoole est dans la lignée des précédents, et on ne s'ennuie pas une minute. Petits ou grands, vous serez conquis et en redemanderez.

What do You think about The Siege (2004)?

OK I have :issues" with this sereis.It gets 3 stars because I enjoy the characters and feel invested in them.I think there is a great base to this series, but I feel the "finishing" touches are ummm sloppy and lack connections. IT stays down to a 3 star because I feel the plot development and ideas to sometimes be jumpy, too coincidental, and I even have a hard time making sense of some of the " deductive reasoning" of the characters. Shallow is a word I would describe on some of the "finishing touches".I have a hard time figuring out what age this is suposed to be for ideally.I would not really reccomend it to my adult YA fans but I have a hard time thinking it is perfect for some of the young readers due to all the "gibberish" with too many made up names terms and ideas.

This is more of a review of the first four volumes than just for the fourth book, because I didn't get around to write a lot about the series. I felt the urge to read the Ga'hoole Saga because of the wonderful movie, but I'm still not sure what to think of the books. On one hand, they are a bit too simple, the writing is at times repetetive (it may be children's boo, but that doesn't mean it can't be written well) and sometimes, the plot just feels ... not so well thought out and dragging. On the other hand, I'm really invested in these lovely characters and their world, the stories are adventurous and I like the rather dark elements it contains (although these are probably not always quite for children).I guess, if you loved the movie as much as I did, it's worth a shot. The characters really make it worthwhile and since it's a light read, it doesn't take up much of your time.

It's the holidays, so I put down my books to read the books that I will be giving to my nieces as gifts this holiday season. The Guardians of Ga'hoole is a great series, using the various owl kingdoms to present good and evil. There are owls who are vain and want to control the world. There are owls who good and want to save the world. Amongst this dichotomy, the story of different types of owls are told; Barn owls, Elf owls, Grey Owls, burrowing owls, snowy owls, spotted owls, pygmy owls, etc. The author shows the strengths of each owl in order to show kids that yes, you are different but you also have many strengths. There are a group of owls who are educated and love reading and learning and I love this as well. A great series. This is #4 in the series and I hope that my niece reads all 12 books.

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