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Read The Force Unleashed II (2010)

The Force Unleashed II (2010)

Online Book

3.91 of 5 Votes: 2
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0345511549 (ISBN13: 9780345511546)

The Force Unleashed II (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

This book is one of the best I've ever read. People say the game is bad, so to them I say read the book. Starkiller was cloned and searched through the galexy to find Juno. Parts of the book told both Starkiller and Juno's experience trying to escape the empire. Starkiller is the best jedi or sith that star wars could have made. I recommend this book to those who like star wars and to those who are sci fi fans. Check it out when you have the time. This book and its predecessor are terrible. They're badly written, they display that the writer has a poor understanding of the universe (a Jedi actively seeking revenge? That's sort of not what they do.), and it reads like a teen-aged power fantasy.Yes, I get that they're novelizations of a video game. That doesn't mean they have to be bad. I understand the Mass Effect books are pretty good. All that aside, these books really add nothing to the Star Wars universe, and I advise that you give them a pass.

What do You think about The Force Unleashed II (2010)?

Wonderful. Hopefully there'd be a force unleashed III. I dunno, Starkiller's son?? lol

The 3rd game was cancelled! What happens next? One of the worst cliff hangers ever.

A great book. Much better and much more complex than the game was.

It was a good, fun read. Now I just need to beat the game. :)

Ehh. Not the best. Kinda choppy plot.

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