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Read The Emperor's Gift (2012)

The Emperor's Gift (2012)

Online Book

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1849701903 (ISBN13: 9781849701907)
Games Workshop

The Emperor's Gift (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

This book sets Aaron apart from all the 40k writers. Aaron's ability to translate the metaphysical into something understandable is such a joy. I truly enjoyed his book. Aaron with Dan Abnett are the best two writers thus far. Stories of the Grey Knights have always been vague and at best superficial. The Emeperor's Gift delves deeper into the heart and creation of the Knights and their links to the emperor himself. A fantastic book!!! This is my first foray into reading 40k novels after playing Warhammer 40k for years. I'm a fan of the Grey Knight army in the game and I like the Space Wolves as well. When I found a book that included both, I had to pick it up. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. While I might have struggled early on because of the game terminology (fluff) that was at the beginning of the book, by the end of the first third I had caught on and found myself engrossed in the story of how the Wolves were battling deamons on the world of Armeggedon and how the Grey knights were supporting the battle. My heart soared as the Knights became the tip of the sword, stricking at the dEamon lord and the battle that commenced. (Think Sauron fighting the elves in the Lord of the Rings movie, but in this case, Sauron looks like a vile demon that is a hundred feet tall and weilds a sword that would fit in the hands of King imagine the 100 grey knights rushing this thing (and it's minions). What happens AFTER the battle was almost as shocking, as I'm not familiar with the Inquisition (the Grey knights are the military arm of the Inquisition) and what they would plan to do to the populace of Armeggeddon and those humans serving in the armies that helped defend against the chaos. I was torn as I sided with the Space Wolves in their outcry but knew the Grey Knights must follow their orders. Escalating out of control, the conflict after put the battle of Armeggeddon to shame. I feel I understand the game background better (at least for these two chapters) and I look forward to learning more about both as I continue to read in the 40k Universe. It was extremely well written and I very much enjoyed the main Character of Hyperion.

What do You think about The Emperor's Gift (2012)?

Well written with so many memorable scenes and quotes. A worthy and fun read!

A brilliant read, giving you everything you want and more in a great read.

A book has never kept my attention quite as well.

Surprisingly good.

3.5 Stars.

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