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Read The Darkest Hour (2005)

The Darkest Hour (2005)

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0060525851 (ISBN13: 9780060525859)
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The Darkest Hour (2005) - Plot & Excerpts

Until I’m old and gray, I will always champion the Warriors series as one of my all-time favorites, despite the fact that the first book wasn’t published until I was 23 and they are supposedly written for 8-year-olds.If you aren’t familiar, the Warriors books follow four clans of what we would call feral cats that battle each other, and sometimes work together towards common enemies (two-legs, dogs, rogue cats, etc.). The first arch begins when a kittypet (house cat) is recruited into Thunderclan by their leader, Bluestar, after getting himself in a predicament due to his curiosity leading him out of his home and into the untamed woods. It takes a long time for the clan to accept him as a true warrior (and some never do), and the term “kittypet” is thrown around like the harshest of all slurs. Fireheart (as he is come to be known) does train to become a Warrior, however, and by the end of the 5th volume, he is Bluestar’s deputy and chief consultant.The Darkest Hour is the final chapter in the first story arch of the Warriors. It sees our main protagonist, Fireheart, facing everything he has feared, as well as dreamed, all at once, in a serious shitstorm that he has to navigate not only for himself, but for all of Thunderclan as well. A final battle with Tigerstar turns out very unexpectedly, and a new menace makes itself known in the forest.The writing of Erin Hunter (who is actually four different authors writing together) is sublime. The fights between cats are harsh and brutal (the amount of violence at times makes me question how these books could be for small children) and the characterization of the clan cats is so deeply intricate and believable that you can’t help but care for them on an intense, emotional level.After finishing The Darkest Hour, I found myself crushed that my time with Fireheart had ended (the other archs deal with different cats), but I know that he is a character that has forever left a mark on my literary soul.The Warriors series is a strong reminder that one should NEVER judge a book by it’s classification in the library/bookstore.

This is the sixth and last book in the Warriors series. It appears to be the first series of many about wild cats. With more than 300 pages, this is a great book for children to start expanding their reading comprehension abilities and challenging themselves with longer books. I love books that get our girls excited to read and this series did that for our youngest. She is in love with this series! I like to read whatever they are reading, so we can chat about the stories and discuss the characters and plots. This was a quick, entertaining and dramatic read. Despite the number of pages, I was still able to finish it in a short time. I find it interesting that this series is cowritten by a group of female authors who go by the pseudonym Erin Hunter. With four writers in the group, it certainly allows them to be prolific. There is more violence, danger, and treachery in this book than I expected, but with the sheer number of books, I suppose the authors have to keep the audience's attention somehow. I am sure that our youngest will want to read all of the different Warriors series, and I will probably read them right along with her. I am starting to grow attached to the different characters and I'm beginning to care what happens to them. I'm not sure if I'll love the series, but I certainly like it. She's gotten a bit far ahead of me, so I have a lot of reading to do to catch up!

What do You think about The Darkest Hour (2005)?

An amazing ending to the book and not what you would expect as BloodClan came in the way - curtsy of Tigerstar. In the end all 4 Clans had to come together to defeat BloodClan who had declared the forest theirs, not RiverClan and ShadowClan against WindClan and ThunderClan like I'm sure everyone thought it was going to be.This time it was Darkstripe's turn to show where his loyalties lie. In the end, with no one as he attacked his former leader and left TigerClan in reaction to Tigerstar's death
—Shannon Morrissey

This book contains lots of action, and some romance. Bluestar has just lost the last of her nine lives and now Firestar is leader of ThunderClan, now that he has a solitary den his relationship with his clan-mate, Sandstorm, can disappear easily. But many more problems are coming to the forest. Now Tigerstar has combined ShadowClan with RiverClan to create TigerClan and is trying to get ThunderClan and WindClan to join TigerClan. Since both of the two clans refused, Tigerstar is forced to get a

Me costó muchísimo comenzar este libro, ya que es el final de una saga muy, MUY especial para mí. Así pues, me he decidido a leer La Hora Más Oscura tras un año de poner excusas y más excusas para posponerlo. Fui con las expectativas altísimas, y creánme que este libro las superó con creces.El libro comienza exactamente donde termina Huellas Peligrosas, con todo el Clan del Trueno prácticamente destrozado por la manada de perros. Así pues, Corazón de Fuego viaja a las Rocas Altas y (tras un demasiado emotivo capítulo) se hace al mando del clan.Pero Estrella de Tigre tiene unos malévolos planes que escapan de las zarpas de todos los gatos del bosque...Una cosa que amé de este libro es que (view spoiler)[ no sólo se centra en la disputa personal de Estrella de Fuego y Estrella de Tigre, sino que va mucho más lejos. Los clanes unidos contra una amenaza mayor... todo es mucho más grande (hide spoiler)]

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