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Read The Burning (1993)

The Burning (1993)

Online Book

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0671868330 (ISBN13: 9780671868338)
simon pulse

The Burning (1993) - Plot & Excerpts

I remember when I was little waiting, very impatiently, for this book to be published. It November of 1993 and this was the third, concluding, book of the Fear Street Saga, the historical horror trilogy that explained why Fear Street, in R.L. Stine's Fear Street series of books, was so haunted. I got it for my birthday, immediately tore in, and was not disappointed. This book continues the story of the Fears (who have now changed the spelling from Fier) and the Goodes, two feuding families not opposed to using the "dark arts" to exact revenge upon each other. This book mostly deals with Simon Fear and his immediate family. In the previous book, 'The Secret', Simon's two sisters both fell in love with the same Goode and paid the price, now Simon's heart is hardened. When he meets Angelica Pierce in New Orleans he knows she's for him, he just doesn't realize how much. But the curse follows them, even when they settle into the notorious Fear mansion in Shadyside. So, I mean, was this written in, probably, a month and then released only in mass backs for a bunch of thirteen year olds to pour over? Yes. Is it good? I'm going to go ahead and say yes. This whole series is good. It's creative. And to a kid who liked ghost stories, I couldn't have asked for better.

3 1/2 stars. This last book in the Fear Street Saga which tells the story of the curse that plagues Fear Street rounds out what happened to the Fier (Fear) family although the fate of the Goode's is left up in the air. It is not as creepy as the first two books but goes about the business of winding up the story. I did enjoy finding out about the families although there is a sense of hopelessness toward the end. No one seems to have learned any lessons about the futility of seeking revenge. No one learns to be forgiving. I kept waiting for a ray of hope. Well, I guess if that had happened we wouldn't have Fear Street.

What do You think about The Burning (1993)?

I love the plot and twists & turns with the Fear Family. I like these kind of Fear Street books because they tell us how Fear Street came to be and what we need to know. The book was a little boring and not my favorite, but the year it was in and everything pulled me in.By the way, I only read this one because I was interested in finding out how Fear Street came to be. I like how R.L. Stine put it and the Fear Mansion seems pretty creepy to me. But I prefer the other Fear Street books such as the Cheerleader Series.
—Alexis Jade

This review is for the whole series. I was reading Fear Street books way before I reached the age that I should have been reading those. Goosebumps was child's play and this Fear Street Saga books are my absolute favorites from the dozens of books R.L. Stine wrote. I loved the feud, the gruesomeness of each murder, the time periods and the creepiness of every single story. The other day I was hit with some serious nostalgia and decided I had to read these books again (how gorgeous are the women on books #1 & #2 btw!?) . I wasn't disappointed, I enjoyed these books immensely again although I was shocked to realize how short these books actually were. When I was young they really seemed huge and were a big accomplishment to finish. I actually owned these books but lent them to someone, forgot who it was and these books were lost forever. Thank goodness for the internet!

Such a amazing ending to a awesome start!I honestly didn't expect this book to end the way it did... Actually, I didn't expect anything in this book. It all caught me off guard leaving me with a "that's new" thought and O_O look on my face.All in all, this book was AMAZING!
—Pikachu †FearStreetZombie†

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