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Read The Abominable Snowman Of Pasadena (2003)

The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena (2003)

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0439568242 (ISBN13: 9780439568241)

The Abominable Snowman Of Pasadena (2003) - Plot & Excerpts

Well, THAT was weird. o.O But in a good way, I think. This is less of a horror story and more an adventure story, I'd say.Jordan and Nicole Blake have never seen snow. They've spent their whole lives in sunny Pasadena, California. They try to imagine snow - but can't. Their father is a renowned photographer - and he's called off on assignment to track down an abominable snowman which has been spotted in Alaska. Since the kids' babysitter is not available, he's taking them with him.Stunned and thrilled at the sight of snow, practical joker Jordan and know-it-all Nicole are having the time of their lives in the frozen North. Until Jordan falls into a crevasse. Until they have to hike 10 miles to the outpost abandoned cabin they're staying at. Until their truculent and near-mute guide takes off with the dog, the sled, and the equipment, leaving them stranded.Until they find a remote cave where a giant, ferocious-looking abominable snowman stands - encased in ice......This book is fun. Two tanned, blonde California kids are like fish out of water in the frigid snow covered fields of Alaska. Add a mysterious abominable snowman to the mix, and well - you're in for a ride - that's for sure!This book is rather nutty and takes some twists you don't expect, but this didn't annoy me. Instead it felt like a fun adventure, a wild romp. Everyone - the characters, the readers - are having a great time.(view spoiler)[The snowman breaks out of the ice. He is like a heat-generating machine. And he loves trail mix! The kids report him to their dad, and when they get back to the cave, Snowman is frozen in ice again. Dad has the brilliant idea to bring Snowman back to California. The kids think this is terrible. But there's no reasoning with him - money, money, money! Back in CA, the kids can't resist telling their friend Lauren about the snowman. They packed a few snowballs in with Snowman, too! They can't wait to pelt Lauren with snow in the California heat! But when Nicole's throw goes wide and hits a tree - the whole tree becomes frozen and snow covered!!!!"Jordan -" Nicole said quietly. "This isn't right. We should have left the snow in the cave. It isn't normal snow."Yeah, no shit, Sherlock! Their slow-on-the-uptake friend Lauren hits Nicole with a snowball - and she turns into a popsicle! The kids frantically try to warm her up, but nothing works. In a panic, Jordan revives Snowman with tempting trail mix. His incredible body heat thaws Nicole out as he gives her a huge bear hug! Then he runs away to live in the wilds of California!But in the final twist, the evil Miller twins (Kyle and Kara) find the last two remaining snowballs, and Kyle throws the snowball in Kara's face. Dum dum DUM! (hide spoiler)]

E vorba despre Jordan și sora lui Nicole, care au 12 ani și locuiesc în Pasadena. Părinții lor sunt divorțați și tatăl lor este fotograf. Acesta primește slujba de a fotografia Teribilul om de zăpadă din Alaska (să-i zicem simplu TOZ). Cei trei merg acolo și stau la o cabană, ghidați de Arthur care are o sanie cu câini. Acesta e foarte speriat de TOZ și îi lasă baltă plecând cu trei dintre câini. Jordan și Nicole se rătăcesc încercând să-l oprească și ajung fix în peștera TOZ-ului. TOZ îi ridică pe amândoi și le dă drumul când ajung afară. Jordan și Nicole ajung înapoi la cabană la tatăl lor și acesta merge încă o dată cu ei în peșteră pentru a-i face poze monstrului, care stă înghețat pe perete. Aceștia îl pun într-un geamantan mare și se întorc în Pasadena. Când Jordan scoate doi bulgări de zăpadă pe care-i luase ca amintire iar Nicole îi aruncă în prietena lor, Lauren, tot ce ating bulgării se transformă în gheață ce nu se topește nici la temperatura de 40 de grade. Lauren reușește s-o înghețe pe Nicole și Jordan e nevoit să-l trezească pe TOZ din geamantan pentru a o dezgheța. Asta e exact ceea ce TOZ face, inclusiv pentru peluză, după care o șterge din cauza căldurii. Cei trei pun ceilalți bulgări din geamantan într-o pungă pe care o îngroapă pe un teren viran de peste stradă dar gemenii Kara și Kyle îi dezgroapă și încep să se bată cu ei. Aici se termină cartea și nu e nimic altceva ce nu am spus. 120 de pagini. Scurt și la obiect. Așa cum trebuie să fie o carte horror (nu neapărat scurtă). Nu sunt alte personaje. Sau descrieri. E din punctul de vedere al lui Jordan. Cărțile Goosebumps mi s-au mărut mereu foarte cool. Am citit-o pe asta (recitită defapt) după ceva vreme. Am citit multe altele și știu că mi-au plăcut. Asta nu e nici pe departe cea mai bună dar trebuie să recunoaștem că e o poveste cool. Și finalul. Cărțile Goosebumps mereu au finaluri cool din câte-mi amintesc. Chiar vreau să am toată seria.

What do You think about The Abominable Snowman Of Pasadena (2003)?


This book was ok. It was the biggest cliffhanger I have ever read. This book is called Gosebumps, but it didn't give me Gosebumps. It did make me mad though. It basically just ended. No ending or even a finishing scentence. In this book, two girls and their dad got to Alaska because their dad got hirede by the animal magizine to try and photograph this Abominable snowman creature that is supposably real. they go on an adventure and they find him, they find him alright. I think this book could be recommended to about anyone because it is not a scary book and it doesn't go into detail. I think a sixth grader would really love this book. It is a really good story line, but, again, the ending. There is no ending. They leave you hanging off the Grand Canyon. I think this would be a really good class series because the books are not that long and it is a series. It is a very popular series and a lot of people read R.L. Stines books.
—Caleb Lattin

The premises of this book were nice: from the first few pages it's clear the story is setting itself up to be a Goosebumps retelling of King Kong. However, when it comes to the development, it all falls apart: keeping the total length of the book in consideration, the characters spend too much time in Alaska, causing the conclusion back in Pasadena to feel rushed. In particular, the events in the closing chapters of the story feel insipid, uninspired and are extremely disappointing.The writing and characters are what you'd typically expect from a Goosebumps story: I can appreciate them, but after a few books they start getting repetitive and feeling a bit “samey”, especially when it comes to sibling rivalries.In conclusion, what could have been an interesting story falls completely flat on the plot elements that would have actually mattered.
—Rocket to Mars

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