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Read Tempo Al Tempo (2013)

Tempo al tempo (2013)

Online Book

3.33 of 5 Votes: 4
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1613728905 (ISBN13: 9781613728901)
Dreamspinner Press

Tempo Al Tempo (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

A funny romantic/sexy read. Stefan is the gay BFF of Charlotte and when he goes back to Texas for her wedding he dreads seeing her brother Rand as Rand seems to hate him and the feeling is mutual. On this visit though Rand seems to want to do more than torture him! Their hate/hate relationship turns hot and sexy and Stef realizes that Rand not only doesn't hate him but that there may very well be something special going on with them. This was a fun book to read. A work of literature, it may not be, but it was fun. If you are sufficiently erudite to enjoy a story about a growing love between two men, this makes a touching love story. Since the book was written by a woman, I started out with some questions about how "authentic" it might be, and the truth is that it was pretty authentic. In my experience, however, men spend far less time analyzing their feelings than the main character of this story. There are a few places where that becomes evident, but it never ruins the story line. By the end you can't help but cheer for the main characters.

What do You think about Tempo Al Tempo (2013)?

What's not to love about this? Nothing.

lu en francais.

a good read


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