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Read Size 14 Is Not Fat Either (2006)

Size 14 Is Not Fat Either (2006)

Online Book

3.81 of 5 Votes: 3
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0060525126 (ISBN13: 9780060525125)
william morrow paperbacks

Size 14 Is Not Fat Either (2006) - Plot & Excerpts

Size 14 is Not Fat Either is the second Heather Wells book that author Meg Cabot has written. In my opinion, its quite a bit better than the first. Granted, I did really enjoy Size 12, but now, the characters are more established for me. We already have a 'relationship' and I know what to expect from each of them. That being sad... Heather, Cooper, and all the rest STILL manage to throw some curve balls and keep the reader on her (or his) toes.Heather, having passed her employee probational period, can now take classes at New York College. Oh, wait - first she has to pass remedial math. BUT the day that the spring semester starts, well... Heather and the rest of the staff at Fischer Hall (aka Death Dorm) find a girl's severed head in a pot in the residence hall cafeteria. EW. Here's the catch - where's the rest of her?? And why is she even dead in the first place?After promising Cooper (and the New York City Police Department) that she won't get involved in the investigation this time... well, Heather does anyway. Sure, she TRIES to stay out of it - but somehow, she gets sucked in and she's right back to investigating. Add in the drama of her ex-fiance's fast approaching wedding, her ex-con father suddenly reappearing in her life, and her unrequited love for Cooper, it amazing that Heather can keep her own head!I really liked this volume of the Heather Wells mysteries - I especially love the dynamic between Heather and Cooper... will they EVER get together??? I hope so. Guess I'll be reading the next book in the series to see! :)

I picked this up on a whim at the library. I needed something to listen to in the car. The only thing I knew about thus book was that the author wrote The Princess Diaries series. I found this story charming. I enjoyed the mystery, the action and the resolution. The main character starts off mentioning that she wants to go back to college at age 29 & happens to work at one, but they're making her take a remedial math course before she can be admitted. She mentioned it do many times at the start of the story that i wondered if the book was going got get annoying and be any good. Thankfully, the author dropped the frequency of those comments as the book went on. There was a little hint of romance that I thought/hoped was going to go somewhere but didn't. Hopefully, the next books in the series will address that. I decided to ding it one star for language because this book could have totally been just as good without the amount of bad language it had in it. I'm pretty reasonable about the use of bad words, this just seemed to have an unnecessary amount for the story that it was. Overall, I liked the story a lot.

What do You think about Size 14 Is Not Fat Either (2006)?

Masih sama kayak buku sebelumnya..yang dibaca setahun lalu (hadeeh, kebiasaan), si Heather masih tetep "ajaib" pikirannya, masih "lusting after" induk semangnya, si Cooper, dan mikir yang ngga2 kalau udah berhubungan sama yang bersangkutan. Dan, kali ini dia juga lagi2 terlibat dalam kasus pembunuhan.Maunya Heather sih, dia udah ga mau ikut campur, tapi karena kepo is her middle name, maka Heather alih profesi. Dari asisten gedung tinggal (Heather menolak istilah asrama. Ga kekeluargaan, katanya) jadi amateur sleuth. Size 14 nyaris ga bisa dibilang cozy mystery lagi sih, lebih ke mild crime novel. Karena pembunuhannya sudah sadis banget (kepala kepenggal dalam kompor..bayanginnya udah ngilu) dan alasan pembunuhnya juga rada "psycho".Berada terjemahannya rada kaku sih..apa karena masih awal2 karir penerjemahnya..walau ada bahasa gaul juga. Yang lucu sih pas Reggie, bandar narkoba yang suka nawarin ganja ke Heather bilang "cimeng, cimeng". Jyakakaka, ini lucu banget. Kalaupun ada yang anggap itu ga lucu, ya gapapa sih :)).Betenya, Heather ma Cooper lagi2 hubungannya muter2 ga jelas, mana Cooper beranggapan kalau Heather itu masih belum bisa move on. Gara2 gap setahun dari baca buku pertama, jadi agak2 lupa sama teman - teman kerjanya Heather.Size 14 sih jelas recommended banget kalau kamu fansnya tante Meg. Ke"dodol"an Heather itu antara pengen ketawa bacanya sama pengen jitak :))

I thought this book was the usual feel-good-makes-you-laugh kind of book Meg Cabot is known for. It continues Heather Wells, former teen-pop sensation, mission to move on with her life as a residence hall director for a New York college. Once again a student has been murdered and Heather has to worm her way into solving the crime. I think so far this has to be my favorite Meg Cabot series, next to her Princess series. It was definitely a good book to read on a wet and rainy day. The ending even made me want to hurry and order the sequel.

Another chick lit murder mystery, this is the sequel to Size 12 Is Not Fat and I'm not sure why I bought this one since I did not like the first one. I keep reading Meg Cabot's books hoping I'll like them, but it is very clear that her true calling is writing for pre-teens (she's the author of the Princess Diaries series). Her heroines are such complete airheads. They always act and sound like 12-year-olds and yet the intelligent, accomplished, handsome men always end up falling for their charm in the end. Cabot should stick to writing for tweens and I should remember not to buy her books in the future.
—Sarah Null

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