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Read Shadows On The Stars

Shadows on the Stars

Online Book

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Shadows On The Stars - Plot & Excerpts

Elli threw a punch at the air to emphasize her point. But her stride never slowed as she neared the crest of the snow-dappled hillside.
    Brionna, who was walking a few paces ahead, stopped. With her sharp eyes, she scanned the serrated ridges of the high peaks in the distance, including the windblown summit of Hallia’s Peak, now three days’ trek away. A long, curving plume of snow was blowing off the summit, and its shape, like a great white eagle’s feather arching over the horizon, reminded her of Scree. She gazed at the blowing snow, a touch of worry on her brow.
    Hearing Elli come up behind, she turned—just in time to hear another angry outburst. “Who,” she asked, “are you cursing now?”
    Elli scowled. “Not Rhita Gawr, this time—although I wager he’s to blame somehow for what happened to the Sapphire Unicorn. And maybe also for whatever danger is threatening Coerria.”
    She blew a long breath.

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