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Read Seized: An Urban Fantasy Novel (The Thrice Cursed Mage Book 4)

Seized: An Urban Fantasy Novel (The Thrice Cursed Mage Book 4)

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Seized: An Urban Fantasy Novel (The Thrice Cursed Mage Book 4) - Plot & Excerpts

Okay, to be fair, I wasn’t planning on dying at all, but as I stood on the tiny checkered platform and stared out at the blazing room before me, I was having a hard time believing survival was a possibility.For one thing, Murphy’s law and I don’t exactly get along. Every single time Murphy notices me, he punches me right in the balls. Kind of a dick move, right? But I guess that’s why he’s the big shot with the law, and I’m just the sucker who has to follow it.This plan involved me using my barely understood magic to shield myself from boiling hot lava while searching for a lever I couldn’t see and avoiding a guardian of indeterminate strength, speed, and cunning. My chances at success were looking slim, and I just knew, Murphy was going to have a field day with this one.Still, I was Mac Fucking Brennan, and I wasn’t going to die like this. Not here, and not with those kids still trapped in Beleth’s tender loving care. I was going to find the lever, goddammit!“Okay,”

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