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Read Pandora's Daughter (2007)

Pandora's Daughter (2007)

Online Book

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0312368046 (ISBN13: 9780312368043)
st. martin's press

Pandora's Daughter (2007) - Plot & Excerpts

Inhalt:Megan ist 15 als ihre Mutter ermordet wird. 12 Jahre später holt ihre Vergangenheit sie ein und sie muss sich ihren Ängsten stellen. Alles ist wie früher: die furchtbaren Stimmen, die immer wieder auftauchen und Neal Grady, der damals wie heute sehr anziehend wirkt …Schreibstil:Ich bin gut in die Geschichte riengekommen und fand den Anfang auch sehr spannend und vielversprechend. Leider flaute das ganze dann ab und auch der Schreibstil wurde immer ausgedehnter und langweiliger. Die Spannung war irgendwann gar nicht mehr vorhanden und ich hatte das Gefühl, dass die Geschichte künstlich in die Länge gezogen wurde. Die Idee der Stimmen in Megans Kopf und den Fähigkeiten der Familie ist grandios und hätte viel Potential gehabt – leider wurde es einfach nicht genutzt.Charaktere:Megan fand ich zu Beginn sehr spannend. Was hat es mit diesen Stimmen auf sich, die sie hört und was ist eine Pandora? Was hat ihr ihre Mutter vererbt und was gibt es noch für Fähigkeiten in der Familie? Leider blieben die Fragen lange Zeit unbeantwortet und als dann alles ans Licht kam war Megan absolut nichtssagend. Einzig ihr Geheimnis hat mich fasziniert, aber nicht sie Person. Diese war wankelmütig und unsympathisch.Neal Grady, was für ein Typ. Ich mochte ihn nicht. Ich kann auch jetzt noch nicht sagen, ob die Gefühle zu Megan echt waren oder nur Mittel zum Zweck. Er ist so ein schlimmer Kontrolleur gewesen, dass ich es unmöglich fand und froh war ihn nicht ständig zu lesen.Auch die anderen Charaktere waren überzeichnet und unsympathisch. Sie konnten alles und dann, wenn es drauf ankam wieder nicht. :?Cover:Das Cover ist schön, hat aber nichts mit der Geschichte zu tun.Fazit:Eine Geschichte, die für mich nichts mit einem Thriller zu tun hat. Ich würde es eher in den Bereich der Fantasy stellen und es Lesern empfehlen, welche gerne etwas mystisches lesen, allerdings sollten sie auch nicht zu viel erwarten und Krimis mögen. Ich habe mir unter “Pandoras Tochter” etwas ganz anderes vorgestellt und auch zu Beginn des Buches etwas anderes erhofft. Mir fehlte Spannung und eine Weiterentwicklung der Charaktere. Daher gibt es von mir nur 2 Sterne.

This has been the worst book I've read in ages. I'd feel like a parrot to repeat the flaws that have already been pointed out by by the other well-written reviews. In fact, it would be even furiously trite to say that yes, this book is even worse than the Twilight series. However, in the bizarrely accepted universal language of Pandora's Daughter's characters, dammit, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna compare the two.1. The protagonist is named Megan Blair. At least Bella Swan's name was ironic.2. Maybe because Robert Pattinson was already established as what Edward was supposed to look like, or maybe because I've been seeing Hannibal, but I imagine Neal Grady to look like Mads Mikkelsen. Who else can twist their lips as obsessive as Neal Grady?3. Why does Megan call her lover Grady? That's what you would call your hybrid nemesis/high school principal. I can believe a thousand-year-old vampire/teenager over the Megan and Neal Grady loveline.4. Johansen had the potential to make Renata an Alice Cullen, or someone who would be more considerate and more heartwarming and relevant to Megan's "talent" than the creepy Neal Grady. But no, Renata's storyline was unnecessarily complicated by both being the hardheaded trained assassin with no feelings and the hardheaded trained assassin with no feelings that's also boring.5. Dammit, you guys. You have superpowers and you're cowering away from thugs. I know that this is new to you, Megan, but make us believe that you're more than an angry shit talker. At least put up a fight. (Denying Neal Grady's boner shouldn't count.)6. Please don't let this book be a sequel. New Moon, I can say with confidence, was an improvement. There dare not be a honeymoon for Megan and Neal Grady.

What do You think about Pandora's Daughter (2007)?

Pandora's Daughter by Iris Johansen was my February commute audiobook. Megan Blair is a doctor who hears voices. These voices are actually part of a psychic power that she only just learned she has. This comes at a time that someone is trying to kill her, and she must learn to accept and prevail, or risk losing her life.The premise of the book sounds exciting and interesting, but it fell flat. The plot progresses really slowly, and the characters are just annoying.Megan is supposed to be a doctor in her late twenties. But she alternates being seeming like a child and a middle-aged woman. I had to keep reminding myself of who she was supposed to be. The further into the story I got, the less I could stand her.The other characters are very cut and dry, with a huge dose of annoying. There is a very evil villian, and a not-so-nice good guy. Everyone is just simply unbelievable. The only exception being Harley, who provides comic relief while actually coming across as real.Overall, I couldn't wait for the story to end. Several times, I debated just stopping. I didn't really care to find out how it ended.A word of advice, there is a lot of profanity and sex. Neither element added anything to the story, and it is really distracting.The narration was very well done. Each character had a slightly different voice, and they were easily distinguishable. Conversations on the phone had an element that sounded like they were actually conducted through a phone, and were great additions. I was impressed with the narration, just not the actual story.
—Sarah (Workaday Reads)

I have never read anything by this author, and the only reason I picked this one up was because it was a group read. I didn't even read the book description so it was a big surprise to me that it was paranormal! I wasn't sure what bookshelf to put this one, because it had elements from both romantic suspense and paranormal romance. The basic premise of the story is that there are people in the world who have other abilities that are not "normal". Some are empathic, can read minds, some can hear echos of things that happened etc...Megan grew up hearing voices, and one night she is with her mom (who told her she might have a mental disorder) and her mom is murdered. A man named Grady did something to her so she could forget. The book fast forwards to the present, Megan is now an adult and a doctor in a hospital. She seems to react more emotionally than the other docs do, and she's not sure why. Then someone tries to kill her, and her past comes back to haunt her with Grady at the forefront. She begins to unravel the secrets of what she is, and what her population of people hide from the world.The book was very fast paced, by the time I went to put it down the first time I was already half-way through. I liked Grady, he was an interesting mix of bad guy/good guy. Megan was a very strong female lead who I liked from the beginning of the book.I am interested in reading more books by this author.

The title intrigued me - Pandora's Daughter; I thought it would be about a woman with ties to the Greek myth. Then I read the back cover and there was danger and mystery. I had to read it. It turned out to be one of the slowest reads I've had done. It took me weeks to plow through the story. A woman, Megan, sees her mother killed when she is a teenager. Years later she is nearly run off the road in an attempt to kill her. Her past is revealed to her and she and Neal Grady go on a quest to find the Ledger which has the names of all the family members who have psychic abilities, while she is hunting Molino, the man who had her mother killed.The mystery would have been good if there was a definite through-line, but with the secondary mystery of the Ledger it mudded the story. Then the author introduces a third and fourth character that I felt further water down the story. Stick with one strong story line with a second sub-plot and it would've made a better read. If that wasn't bad enough, the author throws in a sexual element that I thought could've been left out all together. If the author is going to say Megan has highly sensual characteristics -then exploit this facet or leave it out. They fell to the floor and then the next thing we read is that they are talking about how spent they are. I don't think it was necessary for the overall story. I finished the book because, well, I bought it. But I was disappointed.

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