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Read Over To You: Ten Stories Of Flyers And Flying (1990)

Over to You: Ten Stories of Flyers and Flying (1990)

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0140035745 (ISBN13: 9780140035742)
penguin books

Over To You: Ten Stories Of Flyers And Flying (1990) - Plot & Excerpts

Много странно усещане ми остави тази книга. Вероятно човек просто трябва да е чел определени други автори, за да може да вникне и да я оцени напълно, навярно имам пропуски в четенето. Но е факт, че ми е трудно дори да кажа в какво точно се изразява това странно усещане. Поне за мен, това не е книга, която можеш да определиш с израз като "хареса ми" или "не ми хареса". Има нещо абсурдно във всички разкази, но не мога да кажа, че е абсурдно по дразнещ начин. напротив, мисля, че именно то ме караше да продължавам да чета.Не знаех точно какво да очаквам, когато реших да прочета тази книга. Роалд Дал ми беше познат само с няколко от детските си книги /и с "Моят чичо Осуалд", която всъщност беше първата негова книга, която прочетох преди повече от двайсет години. И, съответно, започвайки книгата, дори ми беше трудно да определя точно какъв жанр е това.Имаше разкази, които ми звучаха странно познато - първият - "Прасе", в който имаше нещо едновременно привлекателно и отблъскващо, - и "Големият автоматичен съчинител", който в известно отношение ми напомняше за начина, по който се пишат романите в "1984" на Оруел. Мисля, че и точно той ми хареса най-много от цялата книга.Мога да кажа, че в лицето на тази книга имах едно странно и запомнящо се книжно преживяване. Това не е точно книга, която можеш да харесаш или да не харесаш. Но определено е книга, която оставя следа в паметта. И мисля, че ще я помня доста дълго.

Loved this book. Dahl really proves that it's possible to be an exceptional children's book author, yet also write serious stories also. This book is a collection of war stories, but ones unlike others told. There are no heroes in theses stories; no last minute, turn the tide of the the war tales - these are the stories of the real people of the war. These are the stories of the countless thousands who never returned home, or those that did, without fanfare or acclaim - some would argue the real heroes. Being inside the mind of someone who is fighting a losing battle, rising everyday knowing that death awaits, whether their own, their friend's or their enemy's is something none of us could imagine, yet Dahl is able to put us there, facing the terror, the acceptance, the fight for survival at all costs. We are given the chance to empathise with them and to a small degree understand just how difficult the task of the everyday pilot was. Yet at no point are we asked to feel pity. It was simply the way things were. The concept of attrition was not mentioned once, however, so many times someone we just meet never returns. There is no shock or feeling of injustice, just one more gone. Dahl also deals with another impact of war - one rarely shared: that they too are killers. The story 'Someone Like You' really resonated with me as it showed this horror of the war. Simply by dropping a bomb here instead of there changes the fates of hundreds - such a careless life and death decision. A lesser author would be unable to deliver these concepts so subtly and smoothly. Dahl has a style that draws you into the arena completely. There are no long drawn out technical explanations, yet I completely understood ground strafing, Ju-88s and Mae Wests. Dahl is one of the few authors who can break all literary rules with finesse. He slips tenses, switches point of view and repeats words, but all this simply adds the the immediacy and reality of the images you are confronted with. A hauntingly beautiful read.

What do You think about Over To You: Ten Stories Of Flyers And Flying (1990)?

Full review at The Pluviophile Reader: stars.ebook, 164 pages.Read from December 16 to 24, 2013.This collaboration of stories emphasizes Dahl's experiences as a flying ace for the RAF during World War II. I imagine that Dahl used many personal references and emotions in these stories, though from what I can find, from my very brief internet search, nothing specific has been directly referenced in the stories. Please feel free to comment if you know of a specific experience that has made it in one of these stories. Additionally, I also wonder if writing these stories was a method he inadvertently used to deal with his own dreadful experiences in the war. Regardless, his renditions of the flying ace at war are detailed and provoking.Beware of the Dog was by far my favourite in this collaboration as it brought a situation to my attention that I would not have even considered, having never been a solider, and the sheer terror that would follow. The character in the story finds himself in hospital and he isn't sure what has happened, though he believes his plane has crashed. The nurse then proceeds to tell him where he is but other warning signs tell he may be elsewhere, like in enemy territory. In typical Dahl style, the reader is left not knowing if the main character is indeed in enemy territory or if he is just delusional and paranoid from the plane crash.Overall I would recommend this book to anyone who would like to see a more adult side to their favourite childhood author or anyone interested in WWII experiences.
—Dani (The Pluviophile Reader)

В полет към теб, в полет към живота или смъртта:Не може да се каже, че съм фен на детските книги, заради които Роалд Дал има толкова много фенове – все се каня да попрочета някоя от тях, но след като преди време злослучих на “Семейство Тъпашки”, така и си останах с намерението. Отчитам, че това е грешка, ще я поправя рано или късно. Но да се докосна до разказите му “за възрастни” си струваше – Дал е прекрасен разказвач, има деликатно умение да предава емоция и да открива красивото и в най-грозните времена, а на места ми напомняше на любимия ми Ромен Гари.CIELA Books
—Христо Блажев

Suhteeni Roald Dahliin on perustunut käytännössä hänen riemukkaisiin lastenkirjoihinsa, ja muutamaa hätäisesti lukemaani novellia lukuun ottamatta en ole hänen aikuisille suunnattuun tuotantoonsa tutustunut. Ennen kuin nyt.Dahlin "Over to You: Ten Stories of Flyers and Flying" (Penguin, 2011)sisältää kymmenen lyhyenlaista novellia, jotka käsittelevät tavalla tai toisella ilmailua. Tarinat sijoittuvat usein toiseen maailmansotaan, ja ymmärtääkseni niiden tausta on myös hävittäjälentäjänä toimineen kirjailijan omissa kokemuksissa.Novellien sävy on enimmäkseen tummanpuhuva, ja paikoitellen hyvinkin riipaiseva. Kuolema tai ainakin sen pelko ovat alituiseen läsnä.Onnistunut kokoelma.
—Matti Karjalainen

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