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Read Night Flower (Gone-to-Texas Trilogy)

Night Flower (Gone-to-Texas Trilogy)

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Shirl Henke

Night Flower (Gone-to-Texas Trilogy) - Plot & Excerpts

When she shivered and pulled her wrap closer, he offered her his suit coat.
      “No, thank you, I'm not really cold. I just need to walk for a bit and clear my head.” She smiled tremulously at him and then looked up at the sky. “Ever since I came to Texas as a twelve-year-old girl, I've been astonished at the night skies here. It's as if you could reach up and touch the stars, as if they were diamonds sprinkled on a crumpled black velvet cloth.”
      Lawrence smiled. “As an adopted son of Texas, I'd say there's no place on earth this special—big, open, free. There's so much waiting for people here.” He stopped walking and almost reluctantly she paused, too. “Melanie, look, I know it's none of my business—that I have no right to come between a husband and wife, but Velasquez was drunk and mean tonight. No telling where he's gone or if he'll come back to the hotel. I could take you to the Oakleys or even back to your ranch if you want.”
      Melanie took a deep breath and swallowed the tears clogging her throat.

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