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Read Mirasyedi (2011)

Mirasyedi (2011)

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Mirasyedi (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

Staying in sweltering London was supposed to save Gayle Windham, Earl of Westhaven and the first and legitimate heir to the Dukedom, from his manipulative and aggressive father, the Duke of Moreland. In a clever twist of fate, his carefully laid plans ends up indirectly falling into his father's original scheme: getting him married and producing heirs.Fate sweeps in Anna Seaton, a newly arrived and very competent but no nonsense housekeeper to the Earl. For Anna, all she wants is a comfortable stay, to do her job, to remain anonymous and protect herself and those she cares about from those that would do her harm. What ends up happening is all her carefully laid plans begin to unravel as the winsome Earl begins paying closer attention to his pretty and no so simply bred housekeeper, and uncovering not just her secrets and her painful past, but both discovering things much deeper than either were prepared for.***It's been a while since I've read a really good regency novel that makes me smile despite myself--and where the male isn't a complete jerk throughout the book. Like most things, too much of a good thing just gets old, and VERY predictable. While the story line is familiar and usual tropes abound in The Heir, it is Ms. Burrowes competent handling of the character, their development from beginning to end, intelligent dialogue, smooth pacing, and her rich writing skills that was lovely. It's not the most intense or compact of novels, i.e., only the necessary details and not a drop more (for the most part) but there were tender moments that were believable and their journey was well developed, and so much fun (!). Secondary characters weren't just mere filler and superficially placed. There was spice too, a dash of eroticism and more surprisingly, sensuality that wasn't over used but well placed, not too overly sentimental or embarrassing to read.A couple weaknesses that other reviewers have correctly brought up is the issue of Anna's 'secret, its general impact as well as to its revelation in the early part of the last third of the book. Granted, that may not have been the wisest action on Ms. Burrowes, as it tends to make that last third somewhat moot or make for unnecessarily prolonged or haphazard conclusion. I do agree that since the suspense/mystery was made evident in the last third, it slowed things down a bit but I think Ms. Burrowes maintained good control of the plot and pacing to the very end, despite the revelation. I didn't find it tedious or pointless in this particular story. Yes, the constant overuse of the misplaced feelings and complete lack of communication between the main leads is, unfortunately, a mainstay and requisite in every romance novel. Generally, it rankles and even though I agree that it's annoying, in this case, Burrowes doesn't beat you over the head with it.The Heir is a book I don't regret reading, and it was a quick, easy read. While it didn't have me reading up till dawn to finish, it's a solid, well-written and woven story with rich characters that'll leave you satisfied. I can safely say I will be reading more of this author and can't wait to read the next installment, The Soldier! I read Maggie's story first and backtracked out of order with the others in the Duke's obsession series by grace Burrowes. This is the story of The Duke of Moreland Percy, and his Duchess Esther's son and heir Gayle. He lives alone and has resisted all attempts by them to get him married and begetting an heir. I was a little confused at first because Gayle (Westhaven) takes care of the family's financial concerns, not his father. It almost felt like there was background knowledge that should have covered that. Perhaps there is in another novella.Anna Seaton is a young, beautiful housekeeper who sees an intruder fondling a housemaid. She uses a poker to slam him on the head and back. Alas it is her boss who was helping the maid get unstuck from the fire grate. As Anna tends to his injuries he begins to notice her, and the way she has made his house homey. All the little things like a flower on his tray, his favorite treats, and her care for him make her loveable.As other reviewers have noted Anna's reluctance to confide in the Earl and trust him get a bit tedious, but one can hardly blame her after the way she and the silent maid Morgan have been treated. Westhaven tries to find out their relationship and problems. The relationship between Westhaven and his brother's Val who pretends to be gay to avoid their father's obessive matchmaking, and elder bastard sibling St. Just is sweet. They had been grieving 2 of their brothers who died and become closer and they each heal. Some risque bed scenes, a mystery, love and family drama make The Heir a good read.

What do You think about Mirasyedi (2011)?

A well-written, absorbing book, although the heroine's motivation strains credulity a bit.

I really enjoyed this story, and I look forward to reading more by this author.

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