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Read Into The Storm (2006)

Into the Storm (2006)

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0345480147 (ISBN13: 9780345480149)
ballantine books

Into The Storm (2006) - Plot & Excerpts

This book had it all: Suspense, love, funny characters and hot sex. Now that's a good book if you ask me. If you haven't tried the Troubleshooter Series then you're missing out. This is the 10th book in the series and Into the Storm does not disappoint. I don't know how Ms. Brockmann is able to write such amazing, flawed, deeply relatable characters (for Navy SEALS and FBI agents :) But she does and it's so very fun to read...Into the Storm is the story of Mike "Jenk" Jenkins and Lindsay finding their way together. Here is what I want to say about Lindsay, the women brings the funny and then brings the nasty bitch and at the end they balance each other out but it's fun to read. She makes some mistakes and comes to a few false conclusions that she then has to talk her way out of but it's almost fun to see her squirm through the process. "I used the wrong word," Jenk told her, and as she looked into his eyes, she realized that she'd been wrong about him. Intensity, determination, assertiveness, fortitude. He had it all, along with an inability to understand the word quit. "I shouldn't have said skinny. I should have said willowy, or I don't know… graceful. Delicate maybe. Bottom line, I happen to think you're extremely beautiful. And, yes, very nicely proportioned." Mr. Jenkins... he's not your typical alpha male, but that's what you have to love about him. He's at the peek of his game, strong, fit, comfortable in his life but something is missing. I have to say that his respect and understanding for Lindsay's time as an LAPD officer and now her working for the Troubleshooters is one of the things I adore about him. This sums up Mike Jenkin's perfectly... The night he'd fallen in love with Lindsey but was too stupid to know it. It was also clear, just as she'd pointed out that night, that she really hadn't needed a team of Navy SEALs to save her. She done just fine by herself. Can we finally get to my man Izzy: The man brought the funny and in the process stole my heart. He's confident but underneath it all he's a little insecure, thats why he's always making joke. He's your friend that you always go to to bring you out of that funk and when you face down the enemy you cannot help but need that. His ability to break up the hunt for a killer and the stressful job as on the Navy's elite SEAL 16 team is what makes Izzy such a valuable character to this story. I cannot wait to see who Brockmann puts him with. Here are some Izzy funny moments: "Whoa," Izzy said. "Wait. You two've been telling dick jokes without me?" "We prefer to call them Johnson jokes," Jenk said, with a completely straight face. "It's classier." "Time-out," Izzy proclaimed. "Can we not give these people names? The rich family is Horace and Prudence Peckerfart and their son Dick. No relation to Gillman - or is there? Say this for us, Daniel: Zounds! That scoundrel stole Mumsy's necklace!" Lets not leave out the love Triangle: Dave, Sophia and Deck Honestly at this point i'd just like one of those men to make a move... anyone? I mean, Sophia has it all. She's beautiful, smart, capable of taking care of herself and is finally ready to move on. It's like Dave and Deck, best friends are stumbling over each other. It's almost unbearable to read but you cannot get enough. I did have hope at the end of Into the Storm that Deck had finally decided to just talk with her... Let's just say I cannot wait to find out what happens to these three.Before I conclude this review... I want to say that I have the utmost respect for our armed forces, they do a job that at times is thankless, they're often away from the ones they love and make sacrifices most Americans cannot comprehend. I commend Brockmann for writing these SEALS with flaws because they're human. I heard this song the other day and I immediately thought of these characters...Keith Urban - For YouIn conclusion, if you're looking for an action packed story , deeply layered and fun characters and a little romance mixed it, then you should check out the Troubleshooter Series I have enjoyed reading about these character and each book builds upon the next in a way that your think of these characters are family. I cannot wait to read Jules book... along with the rest of the Troubleshooters.

Funny, sweet, creepy... is the better novel in this series...Este libro me encantó. Si hay algo que realmente disfruto los los libros de suspense romántico, así que cuando vi este libro supe que necesitaba leerlo y aunque las reseñas no eran del todo alentadoras, me arriesgué y lo leí.Mark es un navy SEAL, tiene todo para enamorarte. Es listo, divertido, guapo y decidido. Sabe bien que es hora de sentar cabeza y quiere a Tracy Shapiro, la misma a la que ha ayudado a conseguir un trabajo, así que pasar un poco de su tiempo libre en la agencia de los Troubleshooters le va de maravilla, hasta que conoce a Lindsey.Lindsey es pequeñita, expolicía, inteligente, independiente y no quiere nada que ver con Mark Jenkins. Sobre todo sabiendo que él se muere por Tracy, la rubia e inepta asistente que trabaja para ellos. Sin embargo no puede evitar sentirse atraída por Mark (no la culpo), va a su rescate incluso cuando Tracy es la que mete la pata... -aahhh no les cuento eso porque cómo me dio coraje, quise darle unos buenos golpes a Mark.La misión que se les ha encomendado se vuelve mucho más vital cuando es la misma Tracy la secuestrada, que déjenme decirles, da un giro inesperado a nuestra manera de verla; más que tonta, es despistada (¡gracias dios!), pero eso sí encara todos los problemas con una fortaleza encomiable. Mark debe decidir a quién de las dos quiere en realidad, todo mientras busca la manera de salvar a Tracy, lo que no sabe (¡pobre tonto!) es que su corazón ya tomo la decisión por él y se necesitará de un "peluquero" loco para darse cuenta. Aunque se trata de una serie, cada libro es independiente. Tenemos personajes que aparecen en un libro u otro y algunos que después -o antes-, conseguirán sus historias también. Personalmente creo que es uno de los mejores libros de la serie. Pueden leer mis reseñas de La hora de la verdad y Fuerza de la naturaleza, para darse una idea de lo que hablo. Ahora me queda pendiente leer la historia de Izzy Zanella, sexy compañero de Mark que hizo las delicias de este libro con su humor irónico. Es un libro que estará siendo pedido a los Reyes-BookDepo-Magos puesto que aún no es traducido al español. En resumen, divertido, dulce, espeluznante... es el mejor libro en esta serie -hasta ahora- y es recomendable para quienes gustan de romances cero empalagosos, acción y escenas eróticas levesonas.

What do You think about Into The Storm (2006)?

I loved Lindsey - she's funny and tough and I want to be friends with her - and Jenk was...fine. I really liked him in the first half, but the misunderstanding between him and Lindsey was pretty much total BS and he was 100% in the wrong. (view spoiler)[(Basically: before hooking up, they both agreed it was no strings attached - but he decides he really wants a relationship. When she tells him, very upfront, that she doesn't, he yells at her that it's because she blames herself for the bad things that have happened in her life and she's mourning for her recently deceased mother wrong, handling her emotionally distant father wrong, and not processing the trauma of how she left the LAPD correctly. And like, hey, um, maybe she gets to decide those things for herself and handle issues in her own way??? Like, seriously, dude, shut up.) (hide spoiler)]

No sé porque decidí aventurarme en este libro, quizá por que era de suspenso y romance, pero desde el inicio me dio miedo leerlo. Primero: los libros gorditos me dan pánico. Y segundo: este es el libro 10 de una serie. Y a pesar de eso lo disfruté bastante.Veamos…En este libro existen dos relaciones principales. En la relación primaria, el héroe, Jenk, y la heroína, Lindsey caen el uno por el otro. Y está la relación secundaria entre Jenk e Izzy, su compañero de equipo de SEAL; ellos a veces son serios, pero muchas otras veces, disfrutan una relación de amigos más relajada y divertida. Ambas relaciones se disfrutan por igual, y en ambas relaciones, sus personajes muestran un ingenio rápido que es a la vez inteligente y juvenil.El resto se compone de dos operaciones de formación entre el equipo de SEAL y el personal de TroubleShooters. Ambas operaciones se pueden describir como más humorísticas que intensas. Hay un montón de torpeza emocional alrededor, para casi todos los personajes. Hay tiempo de sobra para desarrollar relaciones y amistades aquí.Izzy, el “otro” héroe, proporciona bastantes risas al libro. Su punto de vista de casi todo revela su percepción aguda, su reacción a la mayoría revela su humor adolescente. Izzy complementa a Jenk, así como lo hace Lindsey. Sin embargo, creo que Izzy no es mi personaje favorito (aunque bien podría serlo), y es Lindsey la que se ganó el puesto número uno por su carácter irónico, travieso, y sin miedo, es un gran personaje.El número de personajes e historias en el libro fue confuso. Aparte de Jenk e Izzy, y Jenk y Lindsey hay muchísimas más relaciones, y en determinado punto resultó confuso, pero una vez agarrándole el ritmo al libro resultan ser placenteras (pero hay que aceptar algo, varias partes son puro relleno).El suspenso se presenta en forma de un asesino en serie, cuyo paradero es desconocido. La autora introduce hábilmente su mal desde el principio y hace que nos deje preocupados por la heroína del libro en todas partes. Un gran punto a favor para los amantes del suspenso.A pesar de que este es el libro número 10 en la serie de TroubleShooters, y que al principio me costó trabajo adaptarme a la historia y a los personajes, este libro logra disfrutarse sin tanta necesidad de leer los anteriores, ya que son historias independientes.Para finalizar, podemos resumir este libro como divertido, ocurrente, romántico, y lleno de suspenso.
—Yazmin Duran

I loved a lot of things about this book. A lot! There are 2 things I didn't love:- one is the horrible serial killer. I admit, I skipped the most of the scenes with him because it was too horrible for me to read. - the second one was Tracy Shapiro ("Troubleshooters Incorporated's remarkably inept new receptionist" - citing). I hate women whose whole thinking process revolves only about shoes and bags! And this person was a sort of wonderful empty space between her ears! But she got some revenge and, even if I cannot say I like her, she did some redeem towards the end. But if I won't read about her in the future, I won't cry!Besides that, I loved "Jenk” Jenkins and former cop turned Troubleshooter Lindsey Fontaine! They were sizzling! Very fun to read, even if she was a bit hard to understand in her refusing such a prize as Jenk!Really he was great! I think I fell in love with him and I want him as my ideal man.Besides this book has this great idea to make TS work with Tom Paoletti's former SEAL Team Sixteen. I loved the interaction and everything! Another person I really loved and I cannot wait for a story all for her, is Sophia. In this book she has some great scenes and my heart is bleeding for the poor Dave, who loves her and who's not the right person for her!Going on the next one!

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