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Read In Their Footsteps (2015)

In Their Footsteps (2015)

Online Book

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0778300897 (ISBN13: 9780778300892)
mira books

In Their Footsteps (2015) - Plot & Excerpts

O Tess Gerritsen usłyszałam przypadkiem kilka lat temu, gdy w malutkiej księgarni w tunelu Dworca Centralnego w Warszawie postanowiłam kupić jakąś książkę na podróż powrotną do domu. Pierwszy raz w życiu wtedy poprosiłam o pomoc w wyborze sprzedawcę i zdecydowałam się zaryzykować. Do dziś jestem niesamowicie wdzięczna tamtej pani, bo Gerritsen stała się jedną z moich ulubionych autorek (a już na pewno ulubioną, jeśli chodzi o thrillery medyczne).Nic więc dziwnego, że ujrzawszy w bibliotece książkę Tess, której jeszcze nie miałam okazji przeczytać – wzięłam ją w ciemno. Dopiero w domu zorientowałam się, iż wypożyczona pozycja jest romansem kryminalnym. Postanowiłam jednak sprawdzić, jak to smakuje.Rodzice rodzeństwa Tavistock, agenci brytyjskiego wywiadu, giną w bliżej nieokreślonych okolicznościach. Po dwudziestu latach Beryl dowiaduje się, że w rzeczywistości jej ojciec zamordował matkę, a następnie popełnił samobójstwo. Zagłębiając się w akta dotyczące tego tragicznego wydarzenia odkrywa wiele niejasności i postanawia na własną rękę odkryć, co zdarzyło się naprawdę.Śledztwo rozpoczyna wraz z bratem Jordanem w Paryżu, gdzie dołącza do nich poznany wcześniej agent CIA Richard Wolf. Bardzo szybko stają się niewygodni dla tych, którzy wiele lat temu próbowali zatuszować sprawę. Im więcej tajemnic odkrywają, tym większe grozi im niebezpieczeństwo. A gdzie są silne negatywne emocje i permanentne poczucie zagrożenia – tam także bardzo łatwo o narodziny uczuć, które mogłyby wprowadzić w życiu nieco równowagi…Kiedy słyszę „Gerritsen”, to myślę „mocna fabuła, trochę wnętrzności, wartka akcja i zazwyczaj zaskakujące rozwiązanie”. W pierwszym momencie ciężko mi było się oswoić z faktem, że tym razem autorka skupia się na relacji damsko-męskiej w sposób zarezerwowany głównie dla romansów. Jednak kiedy akcja nabrał rozpędu, relacje uczuciowe głównych bohaterów przestały razić, a książka wciągnęła mnie tak bardzo, że (pomijając pierwsze 35 stron) przeczytałam ją jednym tchem.Mimo iż pozycja ta została wydana pod szyldem Harlequina – nie jest typowym przedstawicielem tego typu książek. Część romansowa jest może nieco tendencyjna, ale w całości przeważa świetnie skonstruowany wątek kryminalny.„Śladem zbrodni” ze spokojem mogę polecić każdej kobiecie lubiącej intrygi i afery szpiegowskie z lekką nutą tego, co czyni lekturę bardziej „babską”. Pozostałym zalecałabym ostrożne dawkowanie – wątek romansowy może chwilami wydać się im zbyt widoczny.Ocena 6.5/10, gdyż jest to książka, którą szybko się czyta (na jeden bądź dwa wieczory) i raczej się do niej już nie wróci. W każdym razie ja nie lubię czytać kryminałów, gdy już znam rozwiązanie zagadki.

Tess'in acemilik döneminden bir kitap sanırım. Çünkü konu güzel olsa da ayrı ayrı bölümlere atlarken bu kitapta bayağı kopukluk olmuş ve karakterler çok fazlaydı. Kim kimdir diye bayağı kafam karıştı anca kitabın sonuna doğru anladım. İkinci kitapta zorlanmam artık. Bir de bu kadın (yazdığı kitapları çok sevmeme ve en büyük hayranlarından biri olmama rağmen) romantic suspence tarzı kitaplar yazmasın lütfen. Aşkı pek beceremiyor yaaaw hiç inandırıcı gelmiyor :P Onun dışında konuya gelecek olursak...Jordan ve Berly'in yani Tavistock kardeşlerin, anne-babaları 20 yıl önce ölmüştür. Tabi anne babaları MI6'dandır. Ölümleri bayağı sırlı... Anneleri babalarını aldatırken yakalanıp babaları tarafından öldürülmüş ve sonunda da babaları kendini öldürmüş gibi görünmektedir. Ayrıca cesetlerin yanında bulunan dosyalar babalarının bir vatan haini olduğunu göstermektedir (Bilgi sızdırıyormuş hesapta :P) Olay üst düzey kişiler tarafından örtbas edilmiştir. Ama Tavistock kardeşler ölüm nedenini böyle bilmiyorlar. Amcaları yıllarca saklamış onlardan. Olaydan 20 yıl sonra çocuklar bunu keşfedince inanmıyorlar ve araştırmaya başlıyorlar. Onlar sorular sordukça peşlerine geçmişten düşmanlar takılmıştır... Katili buldum diyorsunuz ama yanılıyorsunuz. Çünkü olay tek bir nedenden değilmiş bu yüzden işler bayağı karışık anlayacağınız. İşte kafam karıştığı için çok sevemedim :P Ama yine de harlequin yayını olmayacak kadar iyiydi yani.. Keşke bir yayın evi tekrar bassa :))

What do You think about In Their Footsteps (2015)?

In Their Footsteps is the first book in the Tavistock Family series by Tess Gerritsen. When Beryl Tavistock and her brother Jordan discover that the circumstances of their parents’ death in Paris twenty years previous was not a heroic death in the line of duty, as they had always believed, they decide investigate. They travel from Chetwynd, London, the home of their Uncle Hugh, former MI6, to Paris, where the shootings took place. Once there and asking questions, they find themselves the target of a highly-trained and ruthless assassin whose skill with weapons and explosives puts them in great danger. A trusted French colleague calls in ex-CIA agent Richard Wolf to babysit the pair, but somehow Jordan ends up in a Paris jail charged with murder, and Beryl enlists Wolf to help find answers. Their investigations take them from Paris to the Greek Isles, a prison in Berlin, and back to Paris. And, of course, on the way, they fall in love. This is a good example of Gerritsen’s romantic intrigue novels. There’s plenty of suspense, characters who are not what they seem, and a plot with a few twists. At half-way I thought I had the culprit figured, but I was in for a surprise. A very enjoyable read.

:-( Sadly, I was going to give this book 2 stars, which would have been the lowest rating I have ever given to a book by Tess Gerritsen, who is one of my favorite authors. Upon reflection, some quotes stood out to me (listed directly below), and I liked the little twists in the story, and I can happily give In Their Footsteps 3 stars :-)Favorite Quotes:"The Eiffel Tower was melting...." -Chapter 2"Having quite a nice evening, too, until some woman started following me around."Richard's chin snapped up in surprise. "Woman?""Rather nice-looking. But not my type, really. A bit vampirish for my tastes." -Chapter 4"She had grown up in a household where certain conversational doors were always kept locked." -Chapter 5"And overshadowing their talk of bomb blasts and ruined furniture, of lost artwork and damaged heirlooms, was the sense that something was being left unsaid. That even beyond the horror of these losses was a deeper loss. One had only to look in Marie St.Pierre's eyes to know that she was reeling from the devastation of her life." -Chapter 5"I've lost out to a ghost. It was hopeless enough when she was alive. But now she's dead, and I can't fight back. The dead, you see, don't grow old. They stay young and beautiful. And perfect." -Chapter 11"The past," she whispered. "It never goes away. Everything else changes, but the past..." -Chapter 12In Their Footsteps is featured as the January-February 2012 Group Read in the Tess Gerritsen Fans Group on Goodreads. Please feel welcome to join in this or any of our discussions anytime:
—Dustin Crazy little brown owl

Beryl Tavistock is a 28-year old raven-haired beauty with brains and wits to boot. She and her brother Jordan were orphaned 20 years previously when their mother and father were both killed in the line of duty, working as spies for England. However, at a present-day party for spies and other high-positioned people who ran in the same circles, Beryl and Jordan learn the truth about their parents' deaths when one party guest becomes a bit too inebriated divulges the family secret: the official ruling was that Madeline Tavistock had been having an affair, and her husband Bernard had killed them both in a passionate murder suicide.In shock over this revelation which had been hidden from them for years, Beryl and Jordan travel to Paris where the 20 year old murder took place, in an effort to track down the truth, because they feel confident that the official ruling is wrong. Accompanying them as a favor to their old family friend is ex-CIA agent Richard Wolfe whose magnetism with Beryl creates difficulties for both of them. As they traipse around Paris, in the footsteps of their parents, murders begin anew, and the assurance that their parents were innocent becomes more and more concrete to Beryl and Jordan. But will they be allowed to learn the truth, or will it cost them their lives?*I realized quickly after beginning this book that it was not like Gerritsen's typical medical thrillers (which I love). I flipped to the title page to see the copyright date and confirmed what I'd already begun to suspect: it was a republication. I'm glad to say Gerritsen's writing style -- and subject matter -- have improved, because this was not a book I enjoyed much at all. I slogged through it for the sake of finishing it, but thought it was rather silly in some spots and over-dramatic in others. I think I will stick to Gerritsen's new medical thrillers from here on out.

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