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Read I'm In No Mood For Love (2006)

I'm In No Mood For Love (2006)

Online Book

3.8 of 5 Votes: 4
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0060773170 (ISBN13: 9780060773175)

I'm In No Mood For Love (2006) - Plot & Excerpts

Clare é uma autora de romances femininos. Históricos, românticos e com uma pitada erótica. Sempre acreditou no amor, na paixão e no felizes para sempre. Mas seu destino parece estar brincando com ela."Ela escrevia sobre o amor. Histórias profundas, emocionantes, lindas. Mas era um fracasso total no que dizia respeito ao amor na vida real. Como podia escrever sobre o amor? Saber sobre o amor e senti-lo, mas ainda assim, entende-lo tão mal?Várias vezes?"Após uma enorme decepção amorosa.Vamos combinar... pegar o seu noivo transando com outro cara é muito mais do que uma decepção amorosa. Resolve não se envolver mais. Iludiu-se muitas vezes. Gostou demais e foi enganada. Então precisa dar um tempo no amor.Triste e decepcionada com seu destino, resolve beber e afogar as mágoas da traição do noivo, mas acorda repentinamente, quase nua, em um quarto de hotel com um homem tomando banho!"O chuveiro se fechou e Clare olhou para a porta fechada do banheiro. Pegou a bolsa de mão do sofá (...) Havia coisas piores do que acordar num quarto desconhecido, disse a si mesma. Pensaria nessas coisas piores quando chegasse a casa".Certo, o homem no quarto com ela não era um estranho, mas era Sebastian, o filho do caseiro de sua mãe. Os dois cresceram juntos. Ao menos uma parte da infância e não se viram mais durante alguns anos."- Bom dia.Sua voz estava diferente da última vez em que ela a ouvira. Mais baixa, uma voz que não era mais de garoto, e sim de homem. (...)Ela sempre fora maluca por aquele sorriso e por ele. Mas Clare já não era mais uma menininha (...)- Sebastian Vaughan. "Sebastian é agora um jornalista de sucesso. Cobre matérias em várias partes do mundo e já viu de tudo um pouco. Por conta do fracasso no casamento de seus pais e também por gostar muito da vida de solteiro, não consegue se imaginar em um relacionamento sério.Clare passa um bom tempo da história remoendo as dores e problemas de se envolver com os homens. Foi aconselhada pelas amigas a conseguir sexo casual, afinal transar com um gay (ai que tristeza) não era lá essas coisas. Ela está carente, triste e frustrada sexualmente.Sebastian não consegue tirar a imagem de Clare da cabeça, como ela estava no quarto de hotel, somente de calcinha cor de rosa, linda! "As únicas razões que explicavam a atração incrível que sentia por Clare era: (a ) ele a havia visto nua; (b ) não fazia sexo havia algum tempo e ( c ) o bendito livro dela. Não planejava ler o volume todo, mas o prendera de tal forma que lera todas as páginas." E em meio a muitos encontros e desencontros, Clare e Sebastian se veem envolvidos por uma atração irresistível. Mesmo tentando fugir, por conta da família de ambos e da vontade de não se envolverem, eles não conseguem. Mas tudo não passa de um envolvimento entre amigos, do tipo amigos com benefícios e esse acordo está bem para ambos. Mas será que isso será o suficiente para a romântica Clare?O livro é uma delícia! Super divertido, romântico, com cenas quentes deliciosas, uma tensão sexual entre os dois que balança o leitor e um enredo bem desenvolvido.Sem Clima para o Amor é mais uma das delícias de Rachel Gibson."- Não consigo acreditar que a pequena Clare Wingate cresceu e se tornou escritora de livros excitantes...- E não acredito que você cresceu e comeu macaco. Pior, não acredito que permiti que um cara que já comeu macaco me beijasse.Ele estendeu a mão e tocou o braço dela.-Linda – disse ele, e olhou dentro dos olhos dela. – Beijei mais do que sua boca."Amei e recomendo!

Normally, this would be my type of book. The H/H sharing parts of their childhood, an obnoxious hero who loves to tease an uptight heroine, and a heroine who really has had the worst luck wiht men. But, somehow, it just wasn't as good as my expectations.I loved the childhood connection parts. They were cute, though I wish there was more mentioned. And the general set up was so promising. But as we get to know Clare, she becomes a so-so heroine. I think its because she is described as a girly-girl and very put together. Not my favorite in a heroine. Heroes like Sebastian are generally my type, considering my favorite HR, but lets start with the obvious. 'Sebastian' for a 21st century man is kinda an overkill. And then there is the fact that he is a successful globe trotter journalist who has serious commitment issues. Now I feel like I'm watching Millionaire Matchmaker.The main problem with the story was the romance and love. It was just so...underdeveloped. Clare suddenly realizes she loves Sebastian and Sebastian, after some time of being angry about Clare ruining a perfectly good relationship, realizes that her really loves her. It was so sudden and sappy that it just didn't work for me. I was also hoping for more humor with the friends and family and such. No luck with that. For a chick lit romance, it was kinda lacking. I hate to say it, but it wasn't all that great. Readable, if there is nothing else at hand, but subpar considering the premise.

What do You think about I'm In No Mood For Love (2006)?

3.5.Review on the short side today, cos the Turkey needs to be cooked. Liked this one. Like Rachel Gibson's writing style. Sebastian and Clare had known each other for years. He was the Gardner's son, she was always tagging after him when they were kids. He moved away, became a journalist, did not get back to see his Dad very often and had a bit of a strained relationship with him. Her fiance is caught doing the business with the Sears repairperson. Clare breaks off the engagement, gets drunk, ends up in bed with Sebastian..... OK, off to check the turkey now.....

Well, now I know the difference between the English terms 'Women's Fiction' and 'Romance'.The first one is more the "chick-lit"-stuff, the latter is a different word for soft-porno (mostly set in some historical time). This book here belongs rather to the second genre, but is set in modern times.The story is short & simple: Clare finds her fiancé with another man and kicks him out, about the same time a childhood-friend returns to town. This Sebastian is apparently very hot and both long for each other, but it takes a while until they finally get to do it. Everytime they see each other they have hot and steamy sex, but not a relationship - until Clare realizes she has fallen in love with Sebastian and wants more. Sebastian on the other hand, being a man, hates commitment.What really annoyed me was the "repeating". What Sebastian wants and thinks, what Clare wants and thinks ... you read the same stuff (sometimes put in different phrases) again and again. That's a thing I really don't like in books! Authors should be more inventive there and should trust their readers that they understood it the first time around (or at least at the second mentioning).On the plus side: Clare likes/liked Molly Ringwald and her movies from the 80s. Yay!!And the "repeating" does not extend to the description of the sex scenes. That's at least something.

Well, I knew it couldn't last. After eight straight 5 star Rachel Gibson reads, I knew I was tempting fate. It sort of crashed and burned for me with this book, the first one I've read from the Writer Friends series. The premise sounded good to me--romance writer Clare catches her fiance in bed with another (a man!), turns her back on looking for Mr. Right and hooks up with childhood friend (sexy world renowned journalist/commitment-phobe Sebastian) in a "friends-with-benefits" arrangement, but then does the unthinkable and falls in love with him. So what went wrong? With the other RG books I've read there's been lots of humor, a fast pace, quirky supporting characters, smart and sexy dialogue, passionate romance, and a likable hero and heroine. Didn't get much of that in this one. The pace was slow, the characters were mostly boring, the dialogue was sort of ho-hum, the romance didn't take off until around page 250--which was way too long to wait--, and the hero and heroine were just "ok". I didn't feel the passion between Clare and Sebastian--in fact for most of the book it felt like they were indifferent to each other. Things improved drastically with a little more than 100 pages left in the story (and then it became like a RG story that I'm used to) when the romance finally took off, but by then I was barely invested in it. There were some nice moments (the unexpected birthday present; the marriage proposal and gift) but there wasn't quite enough to make this a favorite read. Disappointing, but I'm not ready to throw in the towel over one less than stellar read. I'm looking forward to going back to Truly, Idaho with the follow up to this one about Clare's writer friend Maddie (Tangled Up In You (Writer Friends, #3). For this one? 3 1/2 stars

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