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Read Series: Covenant

by Author Jennifer L. Armentrout


Mestiza (2011)

Not exactly unique- similar plot line to Vampire Academy, with different character names.In both...The main character, a girl is dragged back to the school or convent, trained by an incredibly hot mentor (and saved from becoming a servant/slave/blood donor), even though the guy didn't have to hel...

Mestiza (2011) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Apollyon (2013)

Okay so things are really messed-up in this book. Everything can go do will go even worse. For real. I love how much Aiden and Alex are getting along as a couple now, and they don't given a fuck about it. True love there.Seth has gone nuts! But redemption is still there, possible. I believe that....

Apollyon (2013) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Half-Blood (2011)

Alex es una joven increĆ­blemente decidida, una adolescente cuyos manejos de las situaciones, sentimientos y obstinaciĆ³n la convierten en un fuerte personaje en mi lista de ADORADAS!Y que mas decir sobre Aiden(? *suspirando de amor*Aiden es la clase de chico que necesitamos en la vida real, aunque...

Half-Blood (2011) by Jennifer L. Armentrout