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Read Dark Perception: The Corde Noire Series

Dark Perception: The Corde Noire Series

Online Book

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Weba Publishing

Dark Perception: The Corde Noire Series - Plot & Excerpts

There was a small reception area with a few red leather chairs and an oval cherry coffee table covered with magazines. Cut into the wall opposite the entrance was a square window with frosted glass. Melinda had not even approached the window when the glass slid open and a round-faced brunette smiled at her.
“Are you Miss Harris?”
Melinda just nodded.
“Mr. Cole is waiting for you in the conference room. Just go through that door, down the hall, and it’s the last set of doors on your right.”
Melinda noticed an oak door to the left and then looked back at the brunette. “Thank you.”
“Would you like some coffee, Miss Harris?” the brunette called out.
Melinda figured the less she put in her stomach, the better her chances of not throwing up in the middle of the meeting. “No, thank you,” she told the woman, and then hurried for the door.
The conference room was at the end of a long hallway and marked by double doors with elegant brass handles. As soon as Melinda stepped into the room, she saw Nathan standing in front of a picture window that looked out over the French Quarter.

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