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Suzanne LaFleur books

Suzanne LaFleur
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Books: 4 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.18

Read Books by Suzanne LaFleur


Love, Aubrey (2009)

This book is an all time favorite. I gave it five stars because I can connect to the main character and understand why she makes the descision a she makes. Aubrey is a strong willed and stubborn girl who does what she wants to do. I recommend this to people who enjoy a tragedy, and a comedy at th...

Love, Aubrey (2009) by Suzanne LaFleur

Eight Keys (2011)

A light, clean read. Good book for girls trying to find their way in middle school. Not-too-horrific case of bullying, but enough to touch on the topic and make you feel for the main character. I kind of disliked the main character and the way she treated her friend, Franklin, but that is kind...

Eight Keys (2011) by Suzanne LaFleur

Listening for Lucca (2013)

Sienna has always been different, leaving her with few friends and a troubled soul. She can see things in the past that others can't, and has an uncanny connection to things left behind, and people of the past. It is this connection, through dreams and visions that draws her family to move to a s...

Listening for Lucca (2013) by Suzanne LaFleur

Beautiful Blue World (2016)

Tye flipped his hands over after each disappearance to confirm that the egg wasn’t there. We never had eggs. And Father was treating this one like a toy. “No school for you this morning.” Mother set a plate of toast in front of me. She set down a second plate of soft cheese. I hadn’t seen cheese ...

Beautiful Blue World (2016) by Suzanne LaFleur

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