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Read Un Caballero Atrevido (2012)

Un caballero atrevido (2012)

Online Book

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849291632X (ISBN13: 9788492916320)

Un Caballero Atrevido (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

I so enjoy Mary Jo Putney's books. Populated with interesting, complex characters and supported by intelligent plot lines, they are a joy to read. This one was no disappointment; take a capable, unconventional female spy and pair her with a traumatized nobleman in post-Treaty of Amiens France and you've got a very entertaining read. No flimsy insta-love here. By the time these characters declare love they actually know each other. How refreshing. Love love love loved this one as it's pretty much one giant h/c fic, and you know my tastes! Our hero is an English aristocrat who has spent the last decade mouldering in solitary confinement in a French dungeon (he slept with the wrong woman as a young idiot and paid a really steep price). But now the agent-extraordinaire, Cassandra Renard, has come to rescue him. Now they must both get to England while being chased by evil evil evvvvvvvilllll French dude. Greydon Sommers used to be the proverbial golden boy - charming, popular, good-looking - everything came easily to him. The man Cassandra finds is borderline feral, terrified of crowds, and desperate. Can you see how this appeals to me? Yeah, I bet you could. I confess I am all about the hero in this one - it took me a while to warm up to the heroine (though I did end up liking her immensely) but I loved the hero from page 1. I was looking forward to his reunion with his friends and family as much as I did to the romance.

What do You think about Un Caballero Atrevido (2012)?

I like me a good historical romance and Mary Jo Putney sure does know how to write em.

So much to like about this one, yet surprisingly easy to put down.

Stayed up all night reading.

Very sweet. 3 1/2 stars.

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