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Read Onurlu Bir Aşk (2000)

Onurlu Bir Aşk (2000)

Online Book

3.75 of 5 Votes: 2
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Onurlu Bir Aşk (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

I was waiting for Kiri, our heroine, to cure cancer by the end of the novel, but she didn't quite manage it. What a slacker! She seems to know how to do EVERYTHING ELSE. I love Mary Jo, but this wasn't one of my favorites. It was just a bit forgettable since the story was so like so many of her other—rascally rakish hero is actually a spy, blah blah. In this case his name is Damien (shocking) and he has one blue eye and one brown eye and a But in spite of my sometimes irritation with this book (Kiri was just so goshdarn spunky) MJP will always earn at least three stars from me because of her beautiful writing. I loved the story line, I loved the writing, I loved the development between the heroine and hero. Some of you have put forth concerns that the story is unrealistic; yes, it is highly unlikely for a young lady at that time to be involved in fighting. However, in my opinion I think the author redeemed that and made it sound believable the main heroine is half-Indian and half-English, her father was a general she was raised surrounded by military men. So obviously, she has experienced more adventure than a homegrown English girl at that time. Another point were the fighting scenes yes she was a fighter, but overall she was still succumbed by the men (during the attempted kidnapping of Charlotte) so the believable balance is won in a sense that the author did not make her the Angelina Jolie type where she can beat any man into submission (that would've been completely unrealistic). Therefore, for me the story made sense it is not as far fetched as it seems and the story has its limitations and it has set frames therefore it has nothing extraordinary that would make it highly unbelievable in my opinion.Now I gave this book three stars because I really had a love hate relationship with this book during some parts, I was cringing in disbelief and how ridiculous the main characters were acting. Now Kiri she is a girl that is completely unrealistic. Surely she is the example of today's feminist woman (independent and strong) and clearly suffers from the superwoman syndrome that today's modern women suffer from, the belief that they can have it all.I understand Kiri was raised among military men, she learned how to fight and do all these things but the demeanor and the actions about her do not reflect what even women who would be raised in such unconventional situations, would reflect. Kiri is a feminist woman first of all in the book there is a lot of repetition on her being strong and independent, she was described as such by the author, Damian, Will, Kirkland, Charlotte, Cassie I mean everyone just loves her for her masculine characteristics, (of course being feminine is wrong?). This was so annoying!!! Then she was called a "warrior queen" by Damian all through the book, again absolutely nothing attractive about that at all, Damian the hero on the other hand exhibited the tendencies of an emasculated male by worshiping his "warrior queen." In addition, he constantly put himself down as unworthy (now I do not meet many real men who act like this) Damian's just do not exist it is plain unattractive to have a male who thinks he is less then his "warrior queen" he is definitely not an alpha male.Furthermore, Kiri knows everything about anything and she always is out to rescue and save or help somebody. She runs off to save Charlotte, she patches up Damian and Will after an accident, she makes perfume; she can smell perfume on other people. In addition, she constantly challenges men by saying why are men allowed to do this while women can't. Such an irritating and an annoying character!!!! One example she said "why should men be the ones allowed to die for their country?" you know why so the country survives, if all women are sent into the military to die then the human race would die out. She does not exhibit any feminine qualities at all and she does not care for her accept maybe for her longing to be with Damian.She was a male in my opinion accept when they were both making love she would become female. Just because the author thinks that women before feminism were oppressed does not mean that all women wanted to be like men. In a sense the author is just reaffirmed a feminist dogma that everything that men do is important and anything that women do is unimportant. Therefore, Kiri thought that feminine qualities were unimportant (except for when it came to seducing men) and she wanted to be the man because men are so much important (according to feminists).Overall I enjoyed the book but the main characters were irksome Kiri was a self-centered wannabe man (and she came close to achieving that) and Damian had no self-respect and is a clear example of an emasculated male.I recommend this book however because It is a good escapist tale it is interesting and well written and just like Mary Jo Putney's The Bargain I thoroughly enjoyed this book. If you like a little bit of spark and adventure in your romance go for it!! However, this is no way a classic or deep writing with a lesson.

What do You think about Onurlu Bir Aşk (2000)?

I made the attempt of trying to explain the plot of this one to a friend, and became steadily more embarrassed because of just how gonzo and implausible it was. But it was fun! the main characters were well drawn and likable! I liked the descriptions of the heroine's hobby of perfume making was dropped throughout the book in a way that made it more interesting. Never mind how bizarre the situation was... and it was, it was still a fun read.

I am rereading the "Lost Lords" series, after reading the newest one. I really like the story line, a 1/2 Indian sister of a Dukebecomes embroiled in a spy conspracie to kill the Royal Family. Princess Charlotte is a charcter, as are the other Lost Lorde. Damien MacKenzie is part of the Lost Lords, though he is a bastard whose brother loves hima as does Kiri, the sister of the Duke of Aston from book 1. It is a fun series.

This was definitely more action-packed than most "fluff" I have read. Pretty darn good!

Haha, the plot is ridiculous, but Kiri is awesome.

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