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Read Online: Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction


Il peso (2012)

Heft is the heartbreaking story of two lonely, damaged, people who fail to grasp their one chance of attaining happiness. It is also the story of an eighteen year old boy who must find his way through the morass of tragedy that lies in the wake of that unhappiness. Arthur Opp's lonely existence h...

Il peso (2012) by Liz   Moore

Maya's Notebook (2013)

بالمصادفة وقعت عيني على هذه الرواية وجذب انتباهي غلافها الغريب ومنذ إن بدأت قرأتها لم استطيع التوقف ايزابيل الليندي اسلوبها رائع جداً واعتقد انها مارح تكون الرواية الاخيرة الي رح اقرأها الها معاناة مايا في الرواية متاكدة اي شخص عاشها معها وتأثر بِ تفاصيلها This novel is incredibly different from ...

Maya's Notebook (2013) by Isabel Allende

Marcelo in the Real World (2009)

REQUIRED: MARCELO IN THE REAL WORLDThis book tells the story of Marcelo, a 17-year-old, Latino-American boy with Aspergers Syndrome. He is high functioning, but evidence of AS is still apparent. His "special interest" is religion, and he constantly studies and references all different kinds. He a...

Marcelo in the Real World (2009) by Francisco X. Stork

Marcelo ve skutečném světě (2012)

CATEGORY: REQUIRED READINGThis book follows life of Marcelo, a young boy presumed to be slightly autistic, as he enters the world of law at his father's firm. He learns, as he works in the mailroom about life and love and appropriate behavior, and ultimately, is faced with a series of choices tha...

Marcelo ve skutečném světě (2012) by Francisco X. Stork

The Shock of the Fall (2013)

Šok z pádu je veľmi emocionálna kniha. Mattove pocity, interakcia s okolím, prítomnosť jeho zosnulého brata a opis toho, aký vplyv má na celú rodinu schizofrénia mladého človeka (človeka, ktorý sa nechcel so svojim bratom rozlúčiť ani po smrti) zaručujú, že dielo budete čítať ako na ihlách, s vre...

The Shock of the Fall (2013) by Nathan Filer

Hate List (2009)

Técnicamente, le pondría un 3,5; pero, una vez más, los marcadores enteros, me impiden ser verdaderamente justa. La sinopsis me atrapó y es un buen reflejo de lo que tenemos en el libro. La autora ha conseguido crear algo "real", porque es bastante fiel a cómo se desarrollaría toda la trama en la...

Hate List (2009) by Jennifer Brown

A Lista Negra (2009)

For me this was a story that did need to be told. With this issue becoming more and more widespread, and effecting more and more schools it is important. It wasn't the story line that didn't interest me or that the characters didn't have a strong voice, they did. It was just that I wanted more. I...

A Lista Negra (2009) by Jennifer Brown

Bajo la misma estrella (2012)

I give this book 4.5 stars.I absolutely love this beautifully written, smart book. it was funny, it was poignant, and it has left a mark on my heart. John Green is such a lovely writer. This is the kind of young adult fare that you WANT kids (and adults!) to read, rather than the teenage angsty d...

Bajo la misma estrella (2012) by John Green