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Read Worth The Wait

Worth the Wait

Online Book

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Montlake Romance

Worth The Wait - Plot & Excerpts

Too bad the luxury carried a steep price, namely the predawn screech of seagulls’ cries. As Cat’s gentle snore filled the room, Vivi marveled at her friend’s ability to sleep through the noise.
    She bit back a whimper as she nearly peeled away her corneas trying to open her dry eyes. After several painful blinks, she tiptoed to the window and slid it shut before collapsing back into bed. Although exhausted, she couldn’t fall back asleep.
    Instead, she reanalyzed David’s uncharacteristic meltdown and subsequent apology. Unfortunately, his remorse didn’t erase the pain etched in her heart.
    As his final letter from Hong Kong had predicted, he had changed, and not for the better. His words drifted through her memory.
    I can’t share the reasons behind my withdrawal other than to say the lens through which I view the world has been shattered. I need to be alone to pick up those pieces and fit them together again.

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