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Read Wide Spaces (A Wide Awake Novella, Book 2)

Wide Spaces (A Wide Awake Novella, Book 2)

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Wide Spaces (A Wide Awake Novella, Book 2) - Plot & Excerpts

"Please, please, please don't take her. Please don't punish her for my mistakes. If it's not one part of my past creeping up, it's another and Emma always suffers because of it. Please, please." Mason. I could feel his lips at my ear, his warm breath that felt so inexplicably good on my skin. Then his voice faded and I couldn't hear him. I strained for him, not knowing anything in that moment other than I needed him. Then the worst pain I'd ever felt blasted through my chest, burning my skin and scalding my veins.
    "Emma, come back, baby." I gasped awake, becoming aware of how painfully hot I was. Or…cold. I couldn't tell anymore. And how hard my heart was beating, as if doing its own begging.
    Mason came into my line of sight from behind my head. He smiled, yet I could tell it was anguished, and put his forehead to mine. "Thank you, thank you. I'm so sorry, Em." I wanted to speak, but couldn't. I barely held on to the thin thread of lucidity.

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