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Triple - Plot & Excerpts

I was blind terrified, mainly because Iknew my father was so frightened. Sometimes they did nothing, just went by.Usually they shouted out slogans. Often, often they broke the windows. Acouple of times they got Into the shop and smashed it up. I thought theywere going to come up the stairs. I put my head under the pillow, crying,and cursed God for making me Jewish.""Didn!t the police do anything?"'Vhat they could. If they were around they stopped it. But they had a lotto do in those days. The Communists were the only people who would help usfight back, and my father didn't want their help. All the political partieswere against the Fascists, of course-but it was the Reds who gave outpickaxe handles and crowbars and built barricades. I tried to join theParty but they wouldn't have me--too young.""And your father?""He just sort of lost heart. After the shop was wrecked the second timethere was no money to fix it. It seemed be didn't have the energy to startagain somewhere else. He went on the dole, and just kind of wasted.

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