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Read The Secret Of Ella And Micha (2000)

The Secret of Ella and Micha (2000)

Online Book

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1939045010 (ISBN13: 9781939045010)

The Secret Of Ella And Micha (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

Du coté de l'histoire: Ella est une jeune fille qui n'a pas été épargnée par la vie. Sa mère, bi-polaire s'est suicidée pendant qu'elle était censée la surveiller. Depuis ce tragique accident, son père est tombé dans l'alcool et avec son frère, l'entente n'est pas vraiment au beau fixe. Elle a donc décider de quitter sa ville, sa famille et ses amis pour recommencer à zéro une autre vie, pour cela elle s'enfuie loin sans prévenir pendant huit longs mois. Mais le campus dans lequel elle s'est réfugiée ferme ses portes pour l'été et la voilà de retour dans cette ville pleine de souvenirs. Elle a tout changé pendant cet exil, changé de comportement, de style vestimentaire, d'amis. Elle n'est plus la jeune fille que Micha a connu et dont il est tombé amoureux. Cependant, son retour va faire remonter des sentiments qu'elle pensait effacés à jamais. Elle va apprendre que même le temps n'efface pas les choses, et surtout pas les sentiments qu'on peut avoir pour quelqu'un qu'on aime depuis toujours.Du coté de l'écriture: La plume de l'auteure est parfaite, elle nous fait passer un excellent moment en compagnie de personnages des plus attachants et une histoire d'amour des plus réalistes. La plume est fluide et agréable, les pages défilent toutes seules, j'ai vraiment tout aimé dans ce premier opus.En conclusion: Vous l'avez deviné !!! j'ai adoré ce premier opus, l'histoire est géniale, les personnages attachants et la plume de l'auteure est parfaite. Le tout fait que pour moi ce fut un gros gros coup de cœur, j'ai déjà le tome deux dans ma PAL et il me tarde d'avoir le temps de le lire. I liked the internals and this book had a really strong start. The story is about a girl who in the beginning almost kills herself then her best friend Micha saves her. She runs away to school and won't talk to him then she returns for the summer and avoids Micha.At first I thought she left because of her mother's suicide but then I thought maybe it was because her brother and she blamed herself for her mom's death because Ella was supposed to watch her the night she killed herself. I assumed that's why she was avoiding Micha then she says she's a thrill junkie, so I thought she avoided Micha because she didn't want to be that girl anymore. The whole time she's avoiding him didn't seem plausible. Her motivation just wasn't there. About 2/3rds through the book, Ella admits she's worried about losing him as a friend and that's why she hasn't slept with him. It wasn't as if this was written as an unreliable narrator. The character knew why she was behaving the way she did. It was kept from the reader, so I felt cheated since we were in her head, and the author intentionally misled the reader.The story also didn't pull me along. I read other books while reading this one that were more interesting, so I won't be continuing with the story.

What do You think about The Secret Of Ella And Micha (2000)?

This was a very quick, junk food book. If you want depth, meaning, or any type of thought provoking plot line at all, skip this one. The author even tells you the "secret" in the prologue. Aside from Ella and Micha, there is no character building at all. However, if what you are looking for is one of those sweet little piece-of-candy type books, with no nutritional value at all, then look no further! Short and sweet, this is a simple play by play of the build-up between two friends stumbling, not so subtly, into coupledom. The life story taking place is simply filler to get you from one flirty make-out scene to the next.

E' una moderna storia d'amore dove una volta tanto i protagonisti non sono dannatamente belli, ricchi sfondati, con un lavoro e super intelligenti. Una storia che preferisco ad altre perchè più vicina al "genere umano", alla realtà, ai problemi che incidono sulle scelte di ognuno.E' genuina anche la nascita del rapporto tra i due: dall'amicizia d'infanzia e non dalla fisicità. Interessante che analizzi il punto di vista di entrambi dividendo i capitoli in più parti e senza tornare indietro.Impossibile non fare il tifo per Micha.

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