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Read The Other Side Of The Story (2008)

The Other Side of the Story (2008)

Online Book

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0060731486 (ISBN13: 9780060731489)
william morrow paperbacks

The Other Side Of The Story (2008) - Plot & Excerpts

Firstly, I would just like to boast that I read this 600+ page book in ONE DAY. Completely, started it in the morning, finished in the evening. And so if I managed to do that, it must have caught my interest. And, well, yes it did. I was never bored, I just kept reading and reading, sucked into the stories of these three women. BUT it's the kind of book that I probably wouldn't choose to read again, nor will I remember much of it in a month's time. And now comes complaint time, because I found I didn't really relate to any of the three characters, and they all did things that really annoyed and frustrated me! Firstly, Lily. I've always found it slightly distressing, actually, to read or watch characters who have no idea about managing money go about wrecking their lives. I just cannot fathom why you would buy an expensive house when you did not have a fixed, steady income to pay back the loan - but worse than this is the fact that even though they were broke, they went out on a shopping spree in a ridiculously expensive store, never mind the consequences of THE BANK TAKING THE HOUSE. It just reminded me of watching Middlemarch, when Tertius and his STUPID wife kept on spending well beyond their means, and she just didn't get it. Yes, like I said; it makes me distressed.And Gemma...well Gemma wasn't too bad, apart from her obsession about a boyfriend she had YEARS before, who was 'stolen' by her best friend, oh, and the awful way she treated Owen.But most annoying was Jojo (and no, it wasn't just her name!) who, apart from doing something I completely disagree with on moral and stupidity grounds, sounded like an adolescent for most of her parts of the story. I understand the author trying to give each of the characters different voices, but is it really realistic to have a 33 year old intelligent career woman saying 'like' and 'you know' every tenth word? And things weren't 'very' tempting, oh no, they were 'way, WAY' tempting, like, you know?Hmmm...but I still read it all in one day!

Това си е традиционен женски роман - три съдби на жени, които по странен начин се преплитат и всяка помага на другата в даден момент. Аз започнах да го чета точно като такъв, имах нужда малко да разпусна след Калуна-Каля и Трънски разкази.Но романът се оказа нещо различно - едно много добро и детайлно описание на начина на работата на издателския бизнес в Англия. Четох с интерес и по едно време установих, че си водя записки вече. Има много за литературните агенти, за това как подбират произведения, как преговарят с издатели, как се прави рекламна кампания на книга, как издателите наблягат на една, а зарязват друга тяхна книги и изобщо за удивително сложния и тежък живот на писатели, издатели, литературни агенти... И там, в страна в която очевидно се купуват книги, нещата никак не са лесни и "един добър текст" е само едно начало...Препоръчвам я на хората в бранша, романтичната част на книгата не дразни чак толкова.

What do You think about The Other Side Of The Story (2008)?

Gemma is hilarious and Jojo is fabulous, but Lily is just self-centred and boring. I don't know how but Keyes makes me desperately sorry for Jojo stuck as a mistress and of course you feel for Gemma as life seemingly crumbles. But Lily just annoyed me with her continually dithering about how horrible life is. Of course you won't have many friends when you steal one if their boyfriends (every one knows you never dip your toes in that water!). And really your life isn't do bad - beautiful child, loving partner & book published! It's a veritable check list! But then she grew a pair (sorry for the expression - so unlike me but I was rather inspired by Jojo's hard talking American ways) and I liked her again. As did the other two just in time for me not to throw the book down in frustration. Happy endings all round! But you expect nothing less in this genre.My only question to the author would be this: did you realise as you were panning Lily and Gemma's books that you were also writing a bunch of unrealistic nonsense in the same genes as their's?

This was an easy and thoroughly enjoyable read. In true Marian style she never fails to disappoint. It made me laugh out loud and want to cry as well as give both Gemma and Lily a hug at times. It was a quite down to earth story that I think many people will be able to relate to. I could see in my head the story playing out and it was like the characters were actually my friends and I knew them. I liked how we got the characters individual stories and when intertwined they were also easy to follow. The links and characters were so believable and really easy to connect with. I found myself changing sides more than once and feeling sorry for characters that I thought I wouldn’t have actually liked. At times I forgot I was reading a book and could easily have been sat having a coffee with my friend as part of the story and it would have just flowed and fit in. It was just an easy relaxed read that I could be a part of. I loved the fact that although it seemed like I could guess what was going to happen there was a few curveballs that meant it wasn’t quite as predictable as I initially thought.I highly recommend this to anyone it was a fab read, thoroughly enjoyable and quite uplifting.

I do so enjoy Marian Keyes' books; they're thick and full of real people and a combination of everyday and extraordinary circumstances, and I am always at least curious about how things will come out, if not actively caring. This one involved three protagonists, and the bookjacket blurb drew a few links between them, and I expected there to be a big encounter between the three of them, but they seemed never to be in the same room at the same time. It read like three books loosely knitted together into a single novel, with publishing being the unifying thread. Not that I didn't enjoy it, but the "only sort of" linking didn't quite work for me. It didn't feel as polished as some of her other stuff, and the varying POV's (two first-person, and one third-person) felt awkward in some ways.

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