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Read The Diamond Bikini

The Diamond Bikini

Online Book

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The Diamond Bikini - Plot & Excerpts

The sheriff opened the door and started to get in. “Well, you just go right ahead bein’ smart, Sagamore Noonan,” he says. “Sooner or later you’re going to laugh on the other side of your face. It’s here on this land, and we’re goin’ to find it. It ain’t goin’ to be so funny then.”
    “Why, did you lose something, Shurf?” Uncle Sagamore asked. “You should have told me. Anyway, me an’ Sam can help, you just let us know. And don’t you fret none about us tellin’ anybody your men’s started drinkin’ croton oil. You can depend on us.”
    The sheriff said a bad cuss word and got in and slammed the door. The car jumped ahead and made a big turn and then went bucking up the hill. It seemed like him and his men was always in a hurry. I thought it wasn’t any wonder they kept running over Mr. Jimerson’s hogs.
    I wondered why Uncle Sagamore had bought all that sugar, but I figured there wasn’t any use asking him.

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