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Read The Cowgirl's Little Secret (2015)

The Cowgirl's Little Secret (2015)

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The Cowgirl's Little Secret (2015) - Plot & Excerpts

Balancing her needs, CJ’s needs and what Cord wanted was a real stretch. Two weeks of swallowing what he wanted in favor of what would win Jolie over. Two weeks of dodging his family, except where business was concerned. The hell of it was, he didn’t know if he was making any headway with her. He deserved brownie points for tonight regardless.
    They were at the bar of Starr’s, waiting for their table. Jolie was doing Jell-O shots, which came under the heading of A Very Bad Idea. The fact that Cord was matching Jolie shot for shot with tequila qualified him as a finalist for Dumbass of the Year.
    When he’d picked her up after work, she’d been in an odd mood—quiet and withdrawn. So here they sat. He needed to shovel some food into her. Preferably food with lots of carbs to absorb the alcohol.
    “Drinking game.”
    A puzzled expression furrowed his forehead as Cord attempted to follow her non sequitur.

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