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Read The Beautiful Stranger (2001)

The Beautiful Stranger (2001)

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0440236908 (ISBN13: 9780440236900)

The Beautiful Stranger (2001) - Plot & Excerpts

Serseri Kalbim- Julia LondonTHE ROGUES OF REGENT STREET Serisinin 3.kitabı..Serseri Kalbim bitti..Çok beÄŸendiÄŸimi belirtmeliyim..Serinin diÄŸer kitapları Tehlikeli Ä°liÅŸkiler ve Zalim Cazibe'den konusu çok daha deÄŸiÅŸik idi..Regent Serserileri derneÄŸinin yaÅŸayan 3.üyesi olan Arthur Christian en mazbut,en duygusal belki de en amaçsızı idi arkadaÅŸlarına göre..Ölen arkadaÅŸları Phıllipin düelloda öldüren Adrian Spencer kadar etkilenen duygusal bir adamdı....Sutherland Dükü'nün ikinci oÄŸlu idi..Bir asilzadenin ikinci oÄŸlu olmak demek gölge de kalmak demekti..Dük hiç bir zaman olamayacaktı..SevdiÄŸi kadın Portia iÅŸte bu yüzden onu yarı yolda bırakarak baÅŸka bir asilzade ile evlilik yolunu seçerek..Onu parçalara ayırmıştı..37 Yaşındaydı ve artık pek bir ÅŸeye inancı da kalmamıştı...Ama yanılmıştı hayat çok deÄŸiÅŸik olaylara gebe idi..Ölen arkadaşının zamanında Ä°skoçya'da yaptığı yatırımlar yüzünden Ä°skoçya'ya gitmesi sanki de kaderin bir oyunuydu..O sırada Ä°skoçya'da yaÅŸayan yeni dul kalmış olan Ä°skoçya'lı Kerry McKinnon'da topraklarının elinden gitmek üzere olduÄŸunu öÄŸrenmiÅŸti...Dindar baÄŸnaz annesi onu yanına çağırıyordu..Bu günahkar yaÅŸamdan sıyrılmasını öÄŸütlüyordu!!!..Ölmeyi tercih ederdi yine de gitmezdi..Çünkü merhum kocasıyla annesinden kurtulmak için evlenmiÅŸti..EvliliÄŸi ilk zamanlarda iyi gibi gitsede kocası hastalandıktan sonra ona yıllarca bakmış kısaca kocası için de her türlü fedakarlığı yapmıştı.Ama o da deÄŸerini bilmemiÅŸ ona dünya kadar borç bırakarak göçüp gitmiÅŸti..Kerry çiftliÄŸini kurtarmak Arthur ise arkadaşının mallarında çıkan sorunu halletmek için yola çıkar ve yolları ıssız Ä°skoçya topraklarında kim olduklarını bilmeden kesiÅŸir..KarşılaÅŸmaları çok çarpıcı Trajikomiktir..Yolda karşılaÅŸmaları ile sayısız zorluÄŸun ve maceranın içine girmeleri aralarıında çakmaya baÅŸlayan kıvılcimlar ile çok çarpıcı bir hale gelir.Birbirlerinden o kadar etkilenirler ki ayrılamazlar..Arthur Kerry'nin kim olduÄŸunu anlasa da sorununu çözmeden kim olduÄŸunu söylemez..Ama bu sonradan başına büyük bir iÅŸ açacaktır..Sonunda birlikte Kerry'nin çiftliÄŸine varmayı baÅŸardıklarında ise birbirlerine delice aşık olduklarını ikisi de idrak etmiÅŸlerdir..Arthur Kerry sayesinde bedenen çalışmanın bir iÅŸe yaramanın sabahları kalkmanın bir manası olduÄŸunun ne demek olduÄŸunu kısaca hayatının bir manası olduÄŸunu keÅŸfeder..Bu güzel Ä°skoçyalı onu büyülemiÅŸtir..Bu güzel Ä°skoç dulun kendi sınıfından olmadığını bilse de ondan kopmak çok zor gelmeye baÅŸlar..Kerry'nin doÄŸallığının,yapmacıksızlığının anlamını onun ruhunun ve fiziki güzelliÄŸnin sadeliÄŸinin esiri olur..Kerry ilk defa bir erkeÄŸe duyduÄŸu yoÄŸun duyguların ÅŸaÅŸkınlığı içindedir..Bu iki aşık verecekleri ağır sınavlardan habersiz birbirlerine çılgınlar gibi aşık olurlar..Asıl mücadele yeni baÅŸlamıştır..Daha fazla anlatıp da okuma zevkinizi kaçırmak istemiyorum..Julia London'un kaleminin güzelliÄŸine bayıldım..Çok çok etkilendim..Bence serinin en güzel kitabı idi..Yazarın her bir kitabını okuduÄŸundan bir öncekinden daha çok beÄŸeniyorum..Ä°nanılmaz duygu yoÄŸunluÄŸu duru bir anlatımı var yazarın...Hala okumayan var ise TAVSÄ°YE EDERÄ°M..Ama sıra ile çünkü birinci kitaptaki Adrian Spencer ve Ä°kinci Kitaptaki Jullian Dane'de vardı bu hikayede eÅŸleri ile birlikte..Sanırım dördüncü kitap ise Jullian Dane'in sabık kız kardeÅŸi Sophie Dane ile ilgili asıl ben onu merak ediyorum..Martı yayınlarından ricamız arayı daha fazla açmamaları....Serinin Kitapları:1.Tehlikeli Ä°liÅŸkiler2.Zalim Cazibe3.Serseri Kalbim..4.Kitapta En kısa zamanda buluÅŸmak istiyoruz!!..Martı Yayınları!!!...

This is story is a little different from the others in this series. The story takes place in Scotland for the most part and it involves Arthur Christian learning how to work a farm in a Scottish glen. He gets this knowledge after an extraordinary adventure through the wilds of the Scottish highlands. He meets a young widow during this adventure and falls in love with her. I loved that Arthur never backed down from all the backbreaking labor that Thomas McKinnon foisted off on him. Arthur did the best he could each day that he stayed with the McKinnon clan. I also admired Arthur for treating the people he meets as equals. He talks to them and learns about their lives and dreams. He also comes to admire Kerry McKinnon. He wants to find a way to help her but he thinks the possibility of a life of happily ever after is impossible. Arthur and Kerry are from very different stations in life. Arthur believes his life is in London even though he is very happy living in Glenbaden Scotland. I fell in love with Alex Christian all over again when he tells Arthur that he should move to Scotland and marry the woman that he has fallen in love with.Kerry McKinnon has known nothing but a life of work. She nursed her dying husband and helped the remaining clan members for the months after her husband's death. She has worked from sunrise to sunset trying to keep the clan together. When she learns that her husband has mortgaged the land the clan lives on and that the debt is being called in she tries everything to keep the clan together but there is very little she can do. Once Arthur knows what is going on he wants to help her but circumstances arise that cause some problems. Kerry is a hard working, intelligent and compassionate young woman that everyone loves. She is a happy young woman that has had more that her share of hardship. She hasn't let those hardships dampen her spirit though. While I think that she could have learned to live in London I am sure that she would never be truly happy there.There are some terrible things that happen in the middle of this story and it cause a lot of anxious for Kerry and Arthur. They do overcome the problems but there are moments that you wonder if things will ever work out. While there is a "big misunderstanding" it doesn't seem to be as bad as the previous books in this series. These two get over their differences fairly quickly. This is another fine example of this genre. Ms. London continues to write a wonderful story that you have a hard time putting down.

What do You think about The Beautiful Stranger (2001)?

A major disappointment after my latest book from Julia London, The Secret Lover, which was the book following this one in the series.The hero, Arthur, was a follower, who needed to be pinched regularly to take any decisions and who first always listened to the voice of society expectations rather than to his own will, if he indeed had one. Yeah he's really beautiful, but more on the outside than on the inside, which I consider rather empty. I do not often meet a hero that fit the bill for TSTL, but he certainly does.The heroine was another of those too good women. Her unusual background, as widow of a Scot farmer, was well used but she herself shared a lack of ability to think ahead with her beau. At first I could understand why, but then after a telltale moment, I could not understand how she could just follow Arthur like that, without ever questioning him or herself.Last thing that really got on my nerves were the constant dreams with the dead 4th rogue.

This book brought me to why I love Julia London's works. I didn't enjoy her previous works, The Dangerous Gentleman and The Ruthless Charmer, because of too much angst. This book is lighter, but still have an awesome plot. I really could feel the chemistry between them and were so lovable. Arthur, was so willing to do anything to be together with Kerry, even giving up his identity and life as an English aristocrat. He was so charming, gentle and loving. Meanwhile, Kerry was a hardworking woman. She worked all her life to support the clan while her husband was laying sick. Not even once she complained about her hard life. She always smiled heart-fully and did her best. She was the most admirable heroine I've encountered.I'm waiting for the last story of Rogues of Regent Street series. I hope it'd be as good as this one
—Alexandria Tale

A story comprised of many different parts, some of which I liked a lot and some of which not all that much.Arthur and Kerry make a great couple, despite their many differences and the various obstacles on their way.They have quite a few adventures together, from being lost in the woods, to experiencing life in each other's world, facing a death sentence and finally finding a place where they can just be together.The epilogue was especially sweet, showing us the three friends together after many years, reminiscing with their beautiful families surrounding them.The last book of the series, The Secret Lover is about Julian's scandalous sister Sophie Dane's story.

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