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Read Suddenly Last Summer (2014)

Suddenly Last Summer (2014)

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Suddenly Last Summer (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

I enjoyed this book but not as much as the previous book in this series by Sarah Morgan. I found Elise to be a bit annoying, she has a very strong personality and I just didn't like her all that much. While I found Elise to have too much personality, I don't think Sean had enough, I found him to be boring. They did make a good couple and I enjoyed the book, but that was mostly because there were still a lot of parts that included the rest of Sean's family who I really enjoy reading about. Though this was not my favorite couple, I still found the book enjoyable. There is still a lot of fun moments in it to make it a worthwhile read. Firstly a massive thank you to Cara at Harlequin for sending me a copy of this to review. It’s been on my TBR for quite a while but I’ve finally gotten round to it and it was totally worth the wait! I had only read a short story of Sarah’s before I read this and I really enjoyed that little bit that I’d read so I was looking forward to a full novel!This is the second book in the Snow Crystal series although I have it on good authority that each book can be read as a standalone novel. So I started with book two with the story of Elise and Sean.Elise and Sean shared one hot tryst last summer but put it all behind them when Sean went back to Boston for work. When family obligations bring him back to Snow Crystal it suddenly feels like last summer all over again.Ok so two words – SEAN O’NEILL! I mean hot damn what a guy. He’s a doctor, he’s a bit of a player, he’s gorgeous and did I mention he’s a doctor? The narrative starts from Sean’s POV and I absolutely love that in a story by the way, and we get a real flavour of what his character is like. We jump right into the main story in that first chapter with Sean receiving the phone call that leads him back to Snow Crystal and back to Elise.The characterisation of Elise was superb! Elise is the feisty French chef who is in charge of running the restaurant and opening the new café on the O’Neill family’s Snow Crystal resort. She is such a great portrayal of what you would expect her to be. Because she’s French, you’d expect her to be exuberant and full of love and excited and feisty and she is the embodiment of all of those things. Her character is so spot on and I love that she loves the O’Neills with all that she can.The story is mainly set in the fictional resort of Snow Crystal and I loved the description that Sarah used when writing about it. I could almost smell the mountain air and feel the breeze on my face when I was reading the story. The chemistry between Sean and Elise is palpable from their reconnection to the end of the story and I loved the flirty banter and the undeniable attraction to each other that they had.The reason that Sean returns to Snow Crystal is not for a happy occasion and this along with the romance between Sean and Elise make up the plot. The story is emotional and fast paced and I could hardly put it down. I loved the sense of creating something new at Snow Crystal in terms of the resort and how that resonated with the relationships between everyone at Snow Crystal.I can really recommend this book if you love a fun flirty romance with real emotions. Sarah has such a flair for writing that you will be completely hooked on this story! I can’t wait to read the rest of this series.

What do You think about Suddenly Last Summer (2014)?

I so love Sarah's books! I get so involved I find myself telling everyone what to do.

Perfect summer read. Excellent characters and amazing story lines.


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