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Read Not Just A Witch

Not Just a Witch

Online Book

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Not Just A Witch - Plot & Excerpts

Her name was Mrs Winneypeg and she was one of the richest women in Wellbridge. She didn’t just have a white Rolls-Royce, she had a white BMW and a white Jaguar. She lived alone in a house with seven bedrooms and a private swimming pool and owned seven fur coats, three of them mink.
    And she made her money looking after old people.
    ‘But that’s a good thing to do, surely?’ said Daniel when they had reported back to Heckie. ‘So why was the dragworm so ill when he saw her?’ Could the dragworm be wrong? Nobody thought so, but it was odd all the same.
    ‘We’ll just go on sniffing round,’ said Heckie. ‘For one thing, I’d like to know why she sold that parrot.’ For the parrot still said nothing except: ‘Where’s Sam?’ and had to be coaxed to eat.
    The way Mrs Winneypeg looked after old people was to run a number of rest homes where they could go when they were too old or ill to look after themselves.

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