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Read Murder At The FBI (1986)

Murder at the FBI (1986)

Online Book

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0449206181 (ISBN13: 9780449206188)

Murder At The FBI (1986) - Plot & Excerpts

This is one of books that Margaret Truman, daughter of Harry Truman, wrote about murders at vaious sites in Washington, D.C. An FBI agent,George Pritchard, is found behind a shooting target in the FBI shooting range (yes, he had been shot to death). Bad part is that 200 tourists are watching when the body is discovered. A team is formed to investigate the murder. Agents Ross Lizenby and Christine Saksis (who is part Indian) are assigned to the team and they are having an affair (big no-no in the FBI)The team is not functioning as a team and each person seems to be working the case as they see fit.The murdered FBI agent has apparently been giving his notes on his cases from years back to now to an author who is writing a tell all book about the FBI. Most people did not like this agent, George, including his wife. The book was published in 1985 and an interesting point in the book is the strides that have been made in computers and electronics in the time since it was published. Some of the things described in the book seem antique and I don't know that much about computers.

I loved this because it was a fast read. Truman is also good at dialogue - the characters felt real to me. I think it's interesting reading a book from 1985 because there are no cell phones, computers were just beginning to make a splash and the idea of a Native American woman in the FBI seems cutting-edge.The mystery was solved and it makes some sense. It probably didn't help that I read it before bed and probably didn't process everything that was mentioned. I hated Lizenby and I thought it wa

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