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Love, Rosie (2006)

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0786891084 (ISBN13: 9780786891085)
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Love, Rosie (2006) - Plot & Excerpts

"Life is funny isn’t it? Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, just when you finally begin to plan something, get excited about something, and feel like you know what direction you’re heading in, the paths change, the signs change, the wind blows the other way, north is suddenly south, and east is west, and you’re lost. It is so easy to lose your way, to lose direction. And that’s with following all the signposts” This book... gave me so many damn feellllssss... so many fucking emotions... there were times I was cracking up like a freakin' hyena... there were times I was crying like I was the one who was heartbroken... there were times I was swooning over Alex and Rosie..Oh my goodness! So good. So good. So good.Honestly though, I wouldn't have bothered picking this book up if I didn't see the freakin movie trailer. It was hilarious. It was so cute. Sam Caflin was so hot! Lily Collins looked really good too. So there, that's the story of why I picked this book up.Lookie that movie poster.Pretty good ei?! Sam Caflin. I didn't like him as Finnick. Didn't even recognize him. Haha. Found out when I googled him after I watched the movie trailer. Sam Caflin... I'm in love. He's the perfect Alex.Alright. Enough of that.So here's the gistRosie and Alex has been best friends ever since they could remember. They've been through a lot. They hade their fair share of happy, sad, and mostly embarassing moments at school, even arguments actually (Rosie got really upset when Alex didn't invite her to his birthday.. That was hilarious).Alex's family had to move to the US being his dad got a good job offer there. So Alex and Rosie got separated, their only form of communications were mails, letters, and IM's. Rosie was heartbroken. She had feelings for Alex for a long time, but was too scared to admit it. She was too scared to lose her best friend. Rosie applied to Boston University and got accepted, while Alex got into Harvard. But life had other plans for them, Rosie got pregnant. She slept with a guy that night Alex didn't arrive to escort her to a gala. She decided not to move to the US and pursue her studies there. Rosie stayed in Dublin. She struggled making ends meet. She struggled raising her daugher while working on jobs that would feed them both. Although she had the support of her parents, it still had been hard for Rosie. Alex, on the other hand, successfully graduated at Harvard. His plans were slowly becoming reality. His career is right on track. He met a woman whom he thought would complete him, then started a family of his own with her.Would there still be a chance for Alex and Rosie when too much stuff have already happened?Let me tell you a bit about the characters.Rosie I see myself in her. I really really do. She's a single mom like myself. She's lucky though that she has a best friend like Alex, who despite being in another country, was still there for her. He got married, he was there for her. She got married, he was still there. Of course, he couldn't be there for her physically, but the moral support that he gave her... just so sweet. From AlexTo RosieSubject DreamsAgain, Rosie, you're just not stretching far enough. I'm right here. Always have been, always will be.Anway, back to Rosie. I'm so proud of this girl. You see her change, mature, and make really good decisions for herself. She transformed from a weak, undecided teenager to a blossoming young woman who knew exactly what she wants for herself and for her daughter. “I think I need to face what I could have been in order to understand and accept what I am.” I like Rosie, because I experienced the same stuff she's experiencing... actually until now. I'm not struggling, but I am coping with my being a single mum. I love my daughter just as much as Rosie loved hers. Like I said earlier, only difference was, she had an Alex, I don't. I wish I had Alex or Sam Caflin whichever... I won't be picky. LOL.Rosie's been through a lot. She had been heartbroken a lot of times. When Alex moved. When she got pregnant. When Alex got engaged. When Alex got married. When she had husband issues. Her frustrations with her career. There were a lot of things that put her down, but each time, she stood up stronger than before. So proud of Rosie.One last thing, Rosie was a smart mouth. I absolutely adore her for that. Here's a teaser: “To the most inconsiderate asshole of a friend,I’m writing you this letter because I know that if I say what I have to say to your face I will probably punch you. AlexI loved Alex. He was such a good friend to Rosie. He has always been there for her. But I do have to say he was a coward. He has feelings for her, but didn't want to act up on it. Both of them were cowards actually, but still, he's the guy!!!! What the hell Alex? What the freakin hell? You could have save all Rosie all those tears and pain and rejection. Like Rosie, Alex really did mature as well. But there was one thing that didn't change about the young and the old Alex.. Ahaha. How he spells his "know". Despite his age, he still spells it as "no". He's a sample. "I no what the feeling was at your wedding - it was jealousy." See what I mean with the "know"? Haha. So cute.What else can I say about Alex? Well, he's a good dad, a good uncle, and a good husband. He tried. You'll see it throughout the book. You'll love him more and more as you read through the series of messages.Oh god. I really love Alex. I want a best friend like him. I want to have that person who wouldn't give up on me, someone who would always be there even in my ugliest day. You deserve someone who loves you with every single beat of his heart, someone who thinks about you constantly, someone who spends every minute of every day just wondering what you're doing, where you are, who you're with and if you're OK. You need someone who can help you reach your dreams and who can protect you from your fears. You need someone who will treat you with respect, love every part of you, especially your flaws. You should be with someone who can make you happy, really happy, dancing-on-air happy. Someone who should have taken the chance to be with you years ago instead of becoming scared and being too afraid to try. Are you in love with him yet?FINAL RAMBLINGSAlex and Rosie's story reminds me of the song "Realize" by Colbie Caillat. They were so perfect for each other, but they were too scared that if they jump into something, they will end up losing the friendship, the years of friendship that they've developed. They felt that in a way, staying friends will let them keep each other longer. But it doesn't work that way, in my opinion. As time pass by, they'll have a lot of "what ifs" and "what could have beens". And that's exactly what happened to these funny couple.However, I was happy. Everything about this book made me happy.I was satisfied.It took a long time, but the ending just made me really happy, contented, and just... i dunno how to explain it. It made me believe that if two people are meant to be together, fate will find a way for them to be. The story was told in a very unconventional way. You'll meet and know the characters based on their letters, emails, instant messages, and the sort. The pacing of this book was so fast. You'll breeze through the life of these two and also the people around them.For those of you who wants a sweet love story about two best friends who lost each other but found their way back together again, then I definitely recommend this. It may sound clicheish, but it's not - definitely NOT! I loved it so much. PS. I really can't wait to see the freakin movie. If you haven't watched the trailer, I recommend you do so.... NOW!

Qué rara es la vida, ¿verdad? Justo cuando piensas que lo tienes todo resuelto, justo cuando por fin comienzas a planear algo en serio, te entusiasmas con la idea y crees saber hacia donde vas, los caminos cambian, las señales cambian, el viento sopla del otro lado, de repente el norte es el sur y el este el oeste, y estás perdida. Es muy fácil perder el rumbo, perder la dirección.No creo que haya leído otro libro que me haya afectado tanto como Love, Rosie. Han pasado varios días desde que lo terminé y finalmente me propongo escribirle una reseña que no implique únicamente gifs de personas llorando. Me tomo un momento para aplaudir a Cecelia Ahern por haber escrito una obra tan maravillosa. Este libro lo tiene todo: comedia, romance y drama. Pasas de la euforia total a la tristeza en un segundo. Está escrito para crisparte los nervios, para hacer que tires de tu cabello al no aguantar tanta frustración. Y éso es lo que más me gustó. Love, Rosie te hace sentir con cada una de sus páginas. La relación entre Rosie y Alex transciende las páginas. No creo haber sufrido tanto con otra pareja como ésta. Son amigos pero quieren ser más que amigos. Y cada vez que piensas ¡Al fin estarán juntos!, ocurre algo que empaña tu felicidad. Pareciera como si el destino no quiere que se junten. Y es frustrante, muy frustrante. Este tira y afloja me ha provocado más emociones de las que puedo soportar. Mi personaje favorito fue Rosie, por supuesto. A ésta chica le han ocurrido cosas dignas de una telenovela. Ella lo tenía todo planeado, pero por un error todo su futuro se va al traste. Debo admitir que me sentí un poquito molesta cada vez que Rosie se quejaba de su vida, pero me gustó mucho ver cómo ella obtenía una reflexión de cada problema. Ella era muy sabia, muy correcta y nunca se rendía. Sus frases a lo largo del libro me hicieron sentir un montón de cosas indescriptibles. La vida está hecha de tiempo. Los días se miden en horas, los salarios se miden en función de esas horas, nuestros conocimientos se miden en años. Robamos unos minutos a nuestras jornadas para tomar un café. Volvemos corriendo a nuestros puestos, miramos el reloj, vivimos de cita en cita. Y, sin embargo, el tiempo termina agotándose y en el fondo de tu alma te preguntas si esos segundos, minutos, horas, días, semanas, meses, años y décadas se están empleando de la mejor manera posibleEste libro te saca de quicio. Rosie y Alex hacen sus vidas por separados; se casan, tienen hijos y se divorcian. Y tú te preguntas ¡¿Y cuándo se van a juntar?! Te desesperas y te sientes frustrado porque no están juntos. Ese sentimiento apestaba, era horrible. Pero debo decir que estoy feliz por todo lo que sucedió. ¿Que hubiera sido bueno que no hubieran esperado a tener 50 años para poder estar juntos? Sí, por supuesto que sí. Pero también creo que es bueno que hayan esperado. Cuando pensabas que finalmente Rosie y Alex consumarían su amor, no era así. Porque no era su momento. A lo largo del libro vemos la evolución de Rosie. Su vida era perfecta hasta que su mejor amigo se muda y ella sale embarazada. La vemos en sus peores momentos, y también en los mejores. Así que cuando ella cree que no le puede ir peor, llegan las cosas buenas a su vida y logra hacer realidad sus sueños. A la vida le gusta hacer eso de vez en cuando: te va apretando y cuando crees que no vas a poder más te vuelve a soltar.Love, Rosie no es sólo un libro de romance, sino también tiene un muy bonito mensaje sobre la familia y los amigos. Es increíble lo rápido que me he devorado todas las cartas, e-mails y mensajes en donde está narrada la historia. El final sólo me hizo derramar las lágrimas que había acumulado durante toda la lectura. Es un libro hermoso, maravilloso y memorable. Te hace reír, llorar y enojar. La historia no decae en ningún momento, sólo te da ganas de seguir leyendo. Definitivamente, éste libro ha sido una me mis mejores lecturas.

What do You think about Love, Rosie (2006)?

I loved PS I Love You, so I thought I'd give another Ahern book a go. I wasn't to fazed by the fact the story of Where Rainbows End is completely written as a correspondence, mostly between the two main characters, family and friends. I had read The Boy Next Door by Meg Cabot which was written in a similar style and stilled loved the story.The gist of Where Rainbows End is have you ever had someone, a boy or girl, who you had been friends with for long period of time and even though it seemed that you both liked each more than just friends, the circumstances where never quite right? You'd be single but he'd be dating someone else or vice versa? This story is what happens when two best friends Rosie and Alex are separated and the wrong set of circumstances keep tearing them apart though fate kept bringing them back together.This book kept making me want to bash my head against a brick wall. Though I'm familiar with the situation, the fact that the story of this book takes place over a few DECADES with the same vicious cycle repeating itself over and over and over and over (x10) again, was really quite painful to read. By the end of the book I really pitied both Alex and Rosie for all the time lost and wasted.Though you might enjoy the development and drama of the main characters, their friends and family, it might take you a while you get through this book as there is only so much repetitive/depressing events you can take in a space of time. I found myself repeatedly putting the book down and doing something else just to take a break from the same cycle of events.The story wasn't bad but it wasn't great either and though the ending finally gave me a sigh of relief, I don't think it will be enough for me to pick up this book again.

I am highly torn over whethether to give this three or four. If I had the choice, it'd be 3.5, so 4 would be over rating it. 3, on the other hand, is under rating it. I've gone with three because I prefer to under rate than over rate. So yeah... on to the review...This book started off FANTASTIC. I loved every page. I was totally engrossed in it. Couldn't put it down.I loved how it was written with notes and emails and messanger conversations. It was different and gave a different kind of depth

Love, Rosie is a standalone, chick-lit/women’s fiction novel written by author Cecelia Ahern. I LOVED this book! The writing style is delightful as every character and event in this story is brought to the reader through a chronological compilation of text messages, message board posts, emails, letters, instant messaging, etc. An entire book told through correspondence??? I questioned it too, but believe me, it works!!! I fell in love with Love, Rosie pretty much immediately and devoured every adorable page. Now, I’m not saying it’s all drama-free bliss. It’s not...and I felt it. The moral of this story is (view spoiler)[LIFE IS SHORT! If you want someone in your life, you have to have the courage to communicate it! If you have a dream to fulfill, don't wait! Be brave- you never know where life will take you (or where it will keep you)! (hide spoiler)]

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