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Read Killing Lincoln/Killing Kennedy Boxed Set (2012)

Killing Lincoln/Killing Kennedy Boxed Set (2012)

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3.98 of 5 Votes: 3
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0805099425 (ISBN13: 9780805099423)
Henry Holt and Co.

Killing Lincoln/Killing Kennedy Boxed Set (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Entertaining, but little more than that. Book is written in the juvenile style all too common with popular faux-authors (aka journalists). The story itself is less about assassination and more about Kennedy's lifestyle and there, more about his sexual liaisons. Episodes of Kennedy's political weaknesses are reversed by end of the tome as heroic. Fascinating how death makes someone "special." Oswald pieces are weak and underdeveloped. It is also interesting that while O'Reilly happily dallied in Lincoln conspiracy theories, he immediately dismisses them with Kennedy, despite playing up the list of people who would have relished in the death of the president. At the end of the day, don't waste money when this can be checked out from a library. If nothing else this book is much closer to be an actual history book. O'Reilly and Dugard do a much better job in avoiding assumptions about how the characters involved felt and thought throughout the time line. Though I feel this is partially due to the fact that since this event was much more contemporary, that allowed there to be interviews with the people around during the event. Giving a much better insight to how the characters did actually feel or even what they might have been thinking. However, I still feel it is important to clarify that because of the few assumptions that do remain, this book is NOT a historical nonfiction read; it is historical fiction. That being said it barely qualifies as historical fiction and is just on the edge of that genre. Killing Kennedy does a fantastic job of describing the background of John F. Kennedy's months leading up to his assassination. The two authors do a fantastic job gathering primary and secondary resources to put together a very clear and exciting picture of this particular event. O'Reilly and Dugard must also be applauded for not holding back. They openly share the good and the bad (which was abundant) of John F. Kennedy and the Kennedy family. Overall, I would consider this book to be an excellent source in gathering an understanding of the Kennedy administration and how Kennedy came to be such a popular president at the time. It quickly drew me in and kept my attention throughout.

What do You think about Killing Lincoln/Killing Kennedy Boxed Set (2012)?

I don't know about this book - quick, easy read, that kept me interested, but something was missing for me, and I'm not sure what. Definitely not as good as Killing Lincoln or even Killing Jesus.I think it should also go without saying that real history buffs shouldn't bother with this - it's really just something for those looking for highlights and an outline of what is a complicated and more than likely full-of-secrets life and political career.

Very good read!!! I've always been fascinated by the Kennedy's (JFK) and always wanted to know more. I was barely two months old when JFK was assassinated so I truly can't say I remember what I was doing, I was in diapers. Reading this book, I felt like I actually there and experienced everything thru the eyes of everyone during that time. Truly a good book and I enjoyed it! Can't wait to read the other books by O'Reilly (Dugard).

Good book, I learned lots of things I never knew.

Great book. Learned a lot

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