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Read How Do Dinosaurs Say I'm Mad? (2013)

How Do Dinosaurs Say I'm Mad? (2013)

Online Book

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0545143152 (ISBN13: 9780545143158)
The Blue Sky Press

How Do Dinosaurs Say I'm Mad? (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

This book probably has some of the funniest illustrations I've seen in a children's picture book. I may have found them more funny than my daughter did. This book shows dinosaurs (huge, HUGE dinosaurs) throwing tantrums in various household situations. That might sound off-putting at first, but it presents an opportunity for a child to view these behaviors in a non-emotional environment. "Does he roar,slam the door,yell at Momor at Dad?"- accompanies a huge albertosaurus spinning madly through a playroom while the Dad stands firmly to the side. I took the opportunity to ask my daughter, "Is that a good way to act?" She agreed that it wasn't. If you have a child who is having trouble with tantrums this can actually be a good way to address it rather than in the moment that YOUR child is doing this behavior when they are less receptive to rational reasoning. In the end, the book does assert that, "No, a dinosaur doesn't," and then covers all the good ways to handle angry feelings. One other bonus is that each illustration includes the name of the dinosaur illustrated. If you have a dinosaur-crazy kid this can be a fun way to review all the different kinds. Sometimes it's hard to know exactly how to behave when you're upset, and having the example of the behavior of dinosaurs just might help youngsters figure out the right way to act. The first page begins with an illustration of a little girl and a dinosaur sticking out their tongues at one another, and is quickly followed by other little dinosaurs behaving badly, pitching fits, tearing up books, and even flinging coffee mugs in anger. What is more, the parental requests are simple enough, and the young dinosaurs look rather silly as they express their anger inappropriately. The author even provides suggestions about how to express contrition for being out of control. While the text and illustrations do not suggest that youngsters suppress their emotions but instead find appropriate ways to express them, the book's endpapers contain hilarious thumbnail sketches of the dinosaurs throwing tantrums. This picture book could easily fit into a text set on emotions or appropriate behavior.

What do You think about How Do Dinosaurs Say I'm Mad? (2013)?

Another in the How Do Dinosaurs series. Great for discussing problem behavior in a calm context.

Great for grump storytime. I love this series for some reason.

I read this with my grandson, not sure the point got across.

Yeah~! Ut came today and another dino book we all love!

Cute. Nice way to explain how to hold your temper.

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