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Read Series: The Pleasure Wars

by Author Jess Michaels


Beauty and the Earl (2014)

**Originally posted for Book Bliss book blog as a prerelease review. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased and honest review**Review:5 starsGeneral: I haven't read the first two book in this series but it didn't matter at all. Beauty and the Earl is a steamy historical romanc...

Beauty and the Earl (2014) by Jess Michaels

Taken By the Duke (2013)

For the most part I really enjoyed this story, but there were some things that tickled my "pet peeve" button on more than one occasion. 1) the author started way too many sentences with the word "and"... maybe my English teacher was a big fat liar and using "and" in a sentence at least half a gaz...

Taken By the Duke (2013) by Jess Michaels