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Read Series: The Paladins

by Author David Dalglish


Clash of Faiths (2011)

Let me start by saying that I'm not really an epic/sword and sorcery fantasy junkie. I started 2012 with the goal of reading as many different genres as I could and hadn't read anything like The Paladins yet, so I gave it a try. I am SO glad I did because I would have missed out BIG TIME.It is ra...

Clash of Faiths (2011) by David Dalglish

Night of Wolves (2011)

This book had two five star ratings on Smashwords, and was also Free. I saw that it was the beginning of a series (now up to five books I believe) and I thought I'd give it a shot. I've never been a true fan of paladins, but one of the reviewers said that Dalglish did a good job writing them. Plu...

Night of Wolves (2011) by David Dalglish