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Read Series: The Fury

by Author John Farris


The Fury and the Power (2003)

The third in what I've discovered is a quatrology (just ordered the final one, "Avenging Fury," from Used B&N, as no used bookstores in town had it; same with "Heavy Planet," although I digress...). This book is quite satisfying, consistent with the previous one and better than the first, althoug...

The Fury and the Power (2003) by John Farris

The Fury and the Terror (2002)

Hmm... okay. So, I'm trying to gather my thoughts so that I can adequately, coherently, and fairly review this book. A little background on how the book came to me first. My sweety pie, Jeremiah, borrowed this book to me. I didn't ask for a book to borrow, but one evening he had two books sitting...

The Fury and the Terror (2002) by John Farris