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Read Series: The Devil

by Author William W. Johnstone


The Devil's Touch (1987)

The town of Logandale is showing signs of the foul presence of the Prince of Darkness. Hollow-eyed, hungry corpses rise from unearthly tombs to gorge themselves on living flesh, spawning a new generation of restless Undead. Only Sam and Nydia Balon have faced the master before and know what must ...

The Devil's Touch (1987) by William W. Johnstone

The Devil's Heart (1999)

The Lord of Darkness had promised eternal life and endless orgy to get a pledge of love from the coven members. The few who had fought against his hideous powers in Whitfield in 1958 can't believe it could happen again. But then hot wind begins to blow. . . .

The Devil's Heart (1999) by William W. Johnstone

The Devil's Kiss (1981)

As the years pass, Black Wilder is waiting for just the right moment to emerge from the shadows in the small prairie town. The time is now, the beasts are hungry, the Undead are awake, and the putrid stench of evil hangs in the area.

The Devil's Kiss (1981) by William W. Johnstone