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Read Series: Star-Crossed

by Author Rachel Higginson


The Relentless Warrior (2014)

The plot-This is the second book in the boys series from Star-cross. Jericho has rescued a girl named Olivia who has been turned or given the gift of magic (although she doesn't see it that way at all) and falls for her. He is now out to kill the guy responsible for all the madness. Ah Jericho's...

The Relentless Warrior (2014) by Rachel Higginson

The Reluctant King (2012)

The book was good; not as good as the others in the series, but still good. It was interesting getting to see things from Avalon's perspective for a change - especially the whole twin connection thing with Eden. The story brought back all the characters from the first four books and brought them ...

The Reluctant King (2012) by Rachel Higginson

Endless Magic (2000)

I hate to stray away from my 5 star ratings I have given the previous books in this series but unfortunately I was left a bit disappointed and empty after reading this final instalment.I felt that whilst EVERY other character in the book showed great growth and maturity, Eden seemed to become mor...

Endless Magic (2000) by Rachel Higginson

Fearless Magic (2000)

Wow, this series is amazing.I love how mature Eden has become, in terms of romance anyway. Like, unlike other protagonists, Eden knows that her romance is unimportant on the grand scale of things, she knows that other things like family, come first. I think she even says at one point something al...

Fearless Magic (2000) by Rachel Higginson

Hopeless Magic (2000)

When I started this book, I found myself wondering if the author only knew English as a second language. The shocking answer? No! Clearly someone got her hands on a thesaurus, though, because the first quarter of the book is so flowery and over the top, desperately trying to sell the reader on a ...

Hopeless Magic (2000) by Rachel Higginson

Reckless Magic (2000)

Firstly, Eden was clueless. That was the most irritating part of the book. The world today is filled with these kind of movies, books anime's etc. But no, Eden doesn't want to figure out what she is or why she is doing things which should totally unreal. Secondly, Kiran and Eden are in love but, ...

Reckless Magic (2000) by Rachel Higginson