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Read Series: Sonchai Jitpleecheep

by Author John Burdett


Vulture Peak (2012)

”This system carries with it the unspoken implication that once someone has been defined as an ‘object,’ it is automatically assumed to be ‘promiscuous’ in the sense that it may be bought and sold like any other object, even if the object in question is somebody’s kidney or liver--or whole body. ...

Vulture Peak (2012) by John Burdett

Bangkok Tattoo (2006)

I was really looking forward to John Burdett's follow up to the entertaining Bangkok 8, Bangkok Tattoo, and while I enjoyed it, it had some serious flaws. I guess I was pretty satisfied until 3/4 of the way through, when his plots started to wear thin. This might also be where the sneering anti-w...

Bangkok Tattoo (2006) by John Burdett

Bangkok Haunts (2007)

324 pages into this book I read this line: "Survival on earth (sic) is our true god, or we would have migrated to less challenging planets millennia ago." Actually Mr. Burdett, no. No 'we' wouldn't have. This sounds like a lofty sentiment, but really today in 2010, in 2006 or so when this book...

Bangkok Haunts (2007) by John Burdett

Bangkok 8 (2004)

Pretentious. The author (or should I say a cheap salesman/opportunist he claims himself to be?) talks as if he knew it all about Thailand and its way of living or thinking. If you want a glimpse to the real Thai, this is not the book you're looking for.Before I get to the part when I express my d...

Bangkok 8 (2004) by John Burdett

The Godfather of Kathmandu. John Burdett (2010)

So I enjoyed this book as well, but less than the first three. Again, we have the mysterious and fascinating woman character key to the plot, which is getting a bit repetitive in the series. The soul searching of the main character and his religion, trapped between corruption and personal tragedi...

The Godfather of Kathmandu. John Burdett (2010) by John Burdett

the godfather of katmandu (2000)

I thought this was another excellent installment in the Thai Royal detective series. It has all the essential elements: Morally Ambiguous duties within the line of Sonchai's police work, Which threatens his future karma for lifetimes to come; Col. Vikorn In his usual role as authoritarian top cop...

the godfather of katmandu (2000) by John Burdett